Chappie 2

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Troye paused at the doorway to his English classroom. It had been a long, dull, day... Surely he owed himself a snack from the cornershop? He decided against it. Maybe next period. He strolled in, sitting at his usual spot in the back, leaning his chair back against the wall. He wondered what was taking Ms Delaney, their stuttering cat-loving English teacher so long, when someone new walked in. A pale- haired man, looking to be early twenties and wearing trendy glasses.

he's cute!

The rogue thought ran through Troye's brain before he shoved it away. He cursed softly. He thought he'd been getting better at keeping those sort of thoughts at bay. He knew it was wrong to think that way, he knew there shouldn't be any of those sort of thoughts to keep at bay in the first place. He didn't really like to think about it.

"Good morning class. My name is Tyler Oakley, and I'm going to be replacing Ms Delaney as your English teacher after her unfortunate nervous breakdown." The man smirked at the class.

Troye immediately sat up straighter in his chair. If there was one thing he loved, it was new teachers. There were usually excellent to toy with, and this one looked no different. He didn't bother feeling guilty for probably having a large hand in Ms Delaney's nervous breakdown. He ran his hand through his hair as he leaned back again.

Tyler surveyed the class with mild interest as he marked the roll.

"Sophie Lieche?"


"Troye Mellet?"

Tyler was curious as to who this Troye character was. He had been advised by the principal to keep a close eye on him, and had already sensed that he had a bit of a... reputation.


Of course. How had he not noticed the devastatingly good-looking boy in the back row, clad in a leather jacket, and with chocolate brown hair in a slanted quiff. He was surrounded by girls on all sides, but seemed to pay them no attention. Tyler practically rolled his eyes at the sight of him, and continued nonchalantly marking the roll. He knew the type. Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen and all that.

"So I was informed you had homework due today." Tyler flashed the class his broad smile. "if you could please come up and hand them in?"

The class straggled to the front, handing in crumpled half completed grammar worksheets, making their way through until only Troye remained. He flashed Tyler his undeniably stomach churning grin. No wonder all the girls fall for him. Up close, Tyler could see his piercing blue eyes, and could smell the mint gum he was chewing as he hunched a little to get closer to Tyler's height.


Troye smiled again at his question and dug his hands deeper into his pockets.

"So." he replied, ignoring Tyler's question completely.

"What should I call you?"

Troye's question took him by surprise, and he took just a moment too long to reply.

"I'm thinking Tyler has a nice ring to it"

Tyler recovered immediately at this and raised his eyebrows.

"I'm thinking HELL no."

Troye just smiled his infuriating smile again. "You know, Tyler, I think we're going to make fast friends."

Tyler was extremely unimpressed. "And I think 'sir' or 'Mr. Oakley' will suffice." Not even a full lesson in, and he already wanted to slap Troye's perfect smile right off his face.

Troye couldn't help but grin at Tyler's facial expressions. He liked the way Tyler said his name, he decided. He opened his mouth to say something else, maybe even earn an eyeroll, but was interrupted by the bell.

"well then. I have to dash..."

Tyler couldn't help but notice him throw a nervous glance over his shoulder in the directions of his giggling, hair tossing fanclub.

"But I will most definitely see you next lesson Tyler." he continued before throwing him a wink and striding confidently out of the classroom.

AN: Please comment any feed back? I would love to hear some opinions etc. :) hope you are enjoying it so far!

(Follow @itsonmymind) (also you should probably follow @MelancholyMango)

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