Chapter 1: Trask Industries

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~Alyssa's POV~

I got us as close as I could before we had to continue on foot. On our way there I ditched the uniform I was wearing and got some new clothes. As we got closer to the building, I started to feel uneasy. Janos and the others disappeared around there, and we have no idea what happened to them. I nervously started to play with the ring on my finger when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about it right now," Mystique says, "We'll find them."

I turned to her and nodded as she shifted into Trask and let us inside the building. It seemed no one was there except one woman at a desk. "I thought you'd be getting ready for your trip," she says, "and who's this?"

"She's an intern I asked to come along," Mystique says in his voice, "I also needed to pick something up."

The woman nods as we continue up a spiral staircase to his office, Mystique returning to her blue form. While she searched his desk, I looked everywhere else around the room. So far, there was nothing of importance to us, until Mystique signals me over.

"Look at this," she says, moving the large picture from the wall, revealing a DNA Lock.

"Not suspicious at all," I respond as she opens it. We looked around and saw something that caught our attention. Autopsy Reports.

"That can't be good," I whisper as I pull it out and open it. Sure enough, it was far from good. Names, photos, and various information on mutants that were experimented on and killed here were in this file. As we looked through, we saw one that made us stop and gasp.


I glanced at Mystique and saw both horror and sadness on her face. Those two seemed to get along really well before Erik got arrested and it was just her and I. She slowly flipped to the next one, and the one after, and we stopped again both times.

Frost, Emma.

Salvadore, Angel.

Our teammates, our friends, they fell victims to Trask the whole time. And we failed to try and help them. We were both on the verge of tears when we heard a voice outside.

"Mr Trask?" It was the woman from before.

"One second." Mystique responds in his voice before handing the files to me, shifting into him, and exiting.

While she was busy, I removed Azazel, Emma, and Tempest's files while flipping through the rest of them. 'Please not him,' I thought, 'Not Janos. Not Janos.'

"We need to go." Mystique says. I didn't even hear her come back. "I know where he's going to be. If we want to get to him we need to hurry."

"Go ahead," I respond. "I'll catch up."


"Janos might be alive. Mystique, he's not in here. I need to find him."

"But we don't know where he is. Trask does. If we go we might find out."

"Okay, fine. I'll come with you," I respond, "but we don't kill him until I know where Janos is. I'm not losing him."

A/N: I know this is late please don't kill me. Things were busy last weekend and this week but I updated! So what do guys think happened with Janos? Where do you think he is? Let me know what you think! See you soon!


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