Chapter 6: Rescue Mission

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When we landed, we split into our pairs as Logan and I made our way to the Trask Research Lab.

"This place is massive," he remarks at the size of the large building. "Do you even know where this guy's at?"

"I have a theory," I say. "I've been doing some research, and places like this tend to have some sort of basement area for storage or special projects. In this case, I bet Trask kept his captured mutants down there."

We then started to move towards a door near the back of the building and took out the guards near it as we entered.

We made our way through the halls of the first floor, taking out more staff before I pinned one to a wall.

"Excuse me, but I'm looking for a mutant. Where exactly would you be keeping them? And do be quick about it, we're in a bit of a rush."

The terrified staff member gave us exact directions and a keycard to the Mutant Cells before I knocked him out. More guards tried to stop us, but we easily went through them as we reached the Cells. Most of them were empty, glass-like rooms, but some had mutants in them. Just a few cells down, I saw Janos. His dark brown hair was messed up, his purple suit messed up and torn in some places, and he seemed to have a few cuts and bruises on him.

"Alyssa?" he asked in surprise.

"Janos!" I exclaimed, running over to the cell. "What have they done to you?"

"Nothing I couldn't handle," he responds, "thank goodness you're okay."

"Thank goodness you are, too."

"Hurry it up, we gotta go." Logan interrupts, cutting our reunion short.

"Right. Everyone stand clear and mind the glass!" I ordered, and all the mutants in the Cells retreated back as I slammed the glass with as much water force as I could, shattering them. "You're all free to go." I told the other mutants as we rushed out out off the Cells. Once we were safe, I introduced Logan to Janos and explained everything that's happened from Logan's time travel to Raven.

"So you're saying he came from the future to stop her from killing Trask so these Sentinels don't end us all, and you actually believed him?" Janos asked in confusion.

"I didn't believe it at first either, but they helped me find you, so now we need to help them." I respond, "Trask will still pay for what he did, but we can't let Raven do this."

    "Let's meet up with this 'Charles' guy then."

A/N: Surprise Double Update! This story is starting to get close to the end of the movie, but I have some stuff planned to add during the time jump between this and Apocalypse. Speaking of which, I will write a third part for Apocalypse, but I'm gonna wait and start that after I see Dark Phoenix, just so I can figure out if/how to end the series.

Until Next Time!


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