Chapter 3: Xavier Mansion

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Important A/N at the end! Please read it!

Charles and the other guy whose name I still didn't know led me out of the building and stopped in the doorway. I could tell they were trying to scan for Mystique, Erik, and the guy with the glasses, whose name I now knew was Hank. I tried to use the chance to get away, but only succeeded to get out of Charles' grip before the other guy got me.

"Nice try," he says as I struggle to get away from him.

"Seriously, where did they find you?" I ask, but he ignored me as he and Charles led me away and met up with Hank by a car.

"You sure bringing her with us is a good idea?" Hank asks.

"She's been with Raven," Charles answers, "she'll tell us what we need to know."

"What if I don't feel like talking?" I ask.

"Then I guess we'll have some fun," the other guy says.

We then got into the car. Hank drove, Charles in the passenger seat, with myself and the other guy in the back. We sat in silence for a while before the other guy asks "so what do they call you? I haven't heard of someone like you before."

"Tsunami," I answer, "what do they call you?"


No one else talked after that until we stopped at a jet and boarded it.

"You say you want answers from me," I say shortly after we take off, "but I want some from you. What was Erik talking about when he said he was 'securing our future?"

"What were you planning to do with Trask?" Charles asks in response.

"I asked first," I counter, "you answer first."

"We've had a message from the future," Charles answers.

"I was sent to stop you and Raven from killing Trask," Logan adds.

"You? Sent to stop us? Why?" I ask, clearly not believing him.

Logan then told me about Trask's sentinel program, and how they use Mystique's DNA to create machines, no... monsters that wipe out almost all mutants, and any humans that tried to help them.

"Now, you answer our question: what were you planning to do with Trask?" Charles says.

"Well, I would say that if your friend Logan is telling the truth, you should already know. But since he doesn't seem to know about me in his time, it would only make sense that you want to know my motives, correct? But here's the thing: If I remember Cuba correctly, you're a telepath. Why not read my mind instead of interrogate me."

There was a long silence for the rest of the flight. Clearly I managed to strike a nerve or something. We then exited the jet and walked towards a large mansion. When we got inside, Charles started to fall down, and Hank rushed off. Logan then told me that Charles had been taking something that disabled his telepathic abilities, but allowed him to walk.

"I wasn't looking to kill Trask," I answer after a pause.

"What?" Logan asks, turning to me.

"I wasn't looking to kill Trask," I repeat, " I was trying to get information. After Erik got arrested, we heard about what Trask was doing to mutants. Mystique... Raven and I were the only ones who escaped after a failed attack. Someone I care about was taken by Trask, and I was trying to find out where. I don't care what happens to Trask, as long as he doesn't get away with what he's done, and as long as I find Janos."

Hank returns with what I assume is the drug Charles had been taking, but he refuses it and has them lead him to a room where a wheelchair is kept. We then follow Charles to another room while Logan tells Hank everything I said.

"You believe her?" Hank asks.

"I'm right here you know," I say, "and if you help me find Janos, I'll help you with your changing the future or whatever. Still have a hard time believing that. Do we have a deal?"

"We do," Charles says after another pause.

"Do you know where he is?" Logan asks.

"That's what I was trying to find out before you guys interrupted." I answer

"Well, let's hope this still works," Hank says as we pause in front of a large door with an 'X' on it.

A/N: Okay, so wow it's been a while. You guys probably deserve an explanation to where have I been with this story. To anyone that has followed me from Wind and Water, this should come as no surprise. I have been busy again. About two months ago, I started my first year at college/university. My class schedule and assignments this semester, along with theatre stuff ('cause I love theatre) have taken up a lot of my time. I'm starting to get a little more free time for my writing now, but things might get busy again later. This may seem like another bullcrap excuse (again, to those who have come from Wind and Water), but I do hate the large time gaps between updates. I won't make any promises, but I will attempt to have another update or two up next week since I will be on break. I would also like to say thank you for 3K reads on Wind and Water. To those who actually still read this story, or even this note, thank you for putting up with my slow updates, and sorry if this chapter kinda sucks.


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