Wait what

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The blood soon stopped flooding from my cuts. I shut off the water and let the rest of the stray blood drain. I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my waist. That's when I saw myself in the mirror. I had horrible, dark bags under my eyes. My eyes were red and puffy from crying and less sleep. My skin was pail. My body was skinny and frail causing my unusual curves to pop out more. Everyone has always pointed out that I had curves but I never believed them until now. My arms were red with dried blood stains all over them. All of my pail, ugly scars traveled my arms and shoulders. The giant scar that made an 'X' shape on my chest where my heart should be was showing as well. I can't even remember when I did that. It must've been in like 4th grade or something. I soon got dressed and tried to forget what just happened. That's when my dad got home. Fffuuuuuuuuck. I walk downstairs to see him drunk with another lady I've never seen before. Beer bottles were scattered all over the floor. He was holding a giant bottle of vodka. I'm not sleeping tonight. That's when he noticed me. "SEAN!! Do me a favor and clean up all of these bottles for me and don't disturb us for the rest of the day! I don't wanna see yours or your brother's face the rest of the night!" He shouts at me with small "hics" in between his sentences. "Y-yes sir.." I mutter and start to walk over to where the bottles were. "I can't hear you boy! Speak up and pick those up faster!!" He shouts at me. I quickly nod and stutter out another "yes sir" but a little louder. As I start to pick the bottles up my brother came through the back door. Wrong time.. I think as I put a finger to my lips signally Malcolm to be quiet. I nudge my head towards the living room where dad and his partner for the night were making out. I give Malcolm a glare and point to the stairs to tell him to go upstairs and don't come back. He mouths an "ok" and tiptoes upstairs trying not to make a noise. I sigh in relief. At least he's ok. As I pick up another bottle I realized how much my hands were shaking. Before I knew it the bottles in my hands hit the floor making a loud crashing sound. "BOY WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Dad yells at me as I try to clean up the shattered glass over the floor. "I-I-I-I-I d-d-didn't... I-I-I..." I tried to say something but only stutters of the word "I" only came out. Before I knew it he was beating me. He pinned me to the floor as he hit my stomach, my face, my chest, my arms, and my legs. Every single part of my body hurt. All I could do was cry. Soon it all stopped. It was just a blur. I got up and everything hurt. When I finally stood up I checked the time. 2AM in the morning. More bottles for me to clean up and nasty, moaning coming from upstairs. I could hear the bed hit the wall and creak the old, frame that held the bed. Ugh I just want to vomit. This guy surely has HIV or something. Not trying to be offensive of course but dad always has new girls coming over everyday. As my weak, frail body stumbled around to pick up bottles I heard the bed soon stop creaking. Yay it's finally over. All I could hear were soft, silent moans coming from dad. She must be sucking his dick or something. I just wanna gag. Oh wait I already am. Soon I finished picking up all the bottles and threw them in the trash. I hate my life. I hate my dad. I hate this house. I hate myself. I hate everything. Except Mark. He's the only one keeping me alive without knowing it. I walked upstairs and went to my room. There's noting in there except a bed, a small nightstand, a desk with drawers, and a packpack. For those of you who are lost, packpacks are backpacks, I just like to say packpacks because it's a fun word to say. I couldn't get sleep that night. My body was in too much pain, blood was suddenly pouring out of my wounds, and the sound of beds creaking and people moaning filled the house. I hated everything right now. At around like 6AM I got up to get dressed for school. Everyone was still asleep. That's fine. School started too damn early. 7AM is when it started. Not giving me enough time to sleep. But I had to be at the bus stop by 6:45. That's in like 20 minutes. So I have time to work on some homework. I started working on homework I didn't wanna do and when I checked the time it showed 6:40. SHIT MOTHERFUCKER OH FUCKING CHRIST MOTHER CHEESE!!!! I cursed at myself in my head as I grabbed my stuff and ran, or limped out of the house. I didn't close the door but oh well. I could care less if someone walked in the house. I ran down to the bus stop. The bus was coming up to it while like 6 other kids were there. One of those kids was Mark. I limped up to him and took some pants of air. "Whoa, what happened man?" Mark asks with a small chuckle as the bus driver opened the door for the kids. "I-I r-ran.. but my l-leg h-hurts so m-much..!" I say breathlessly as I lump onto the bus after Mark. We took seats in the back of the bus. "Why?" Mark asks. Could you not. "I was running late, at least I thought.." I say as I start to blush. When we got to school we immediately met up with everyone. We spotted them at the benches outside the cafeteria. Before class started we made stupid jokes about kids, teachers, and the principal. We all laughed hysterically at our jokes. I mainly focused on Mark's laugh because his laugh is absolutely amazing. It's the one song I would listen to on repeat if it was a song.

Mark's POV
(Ooohhh changing POVS how spoopy!) Jack's laugh is so fucking adorable. I have a crush on him. I totally do. I couldn't help but just admire him. He's so cute! Soon the bell rang and we had to go to class. My first class was shared with Ethan, Tyler, and I. I know Ethan and Tyler have something going on with each other. They aren't telling us something. As we waited in line for our teacher to open the door for us I started to talk to Tyler since Ethan was busy helping the teacher with a couple of things like straightening the desks before class starts. "So Tyler, are you and Ethan a thing? Because I know you two are hiding something. I can see you guys holding hands under the lunch table since you two sit next to each other so close all the damn time!" I say as Tyler blushed, probably taken back by my statement. "We were planning on telling you guys today! But don't tell Ethan about this! He would be disappointed if anyone knew before lunch because he is really excited about telling you guys!" Tyler said in a hushed voice as Ethan walked out of the door letting the girls come in the classroom first. Of course I agreed. But Tyler wanted me to tell him who I liked after school. I agreed only because I wanted both Tyler and Ethan to stay happy. I walked to my 2nd period which was history and I saw Jack. I'm always happy to see Jack. I love that little, smol, bean dorky doofus! Jack and I have been talking about dying our hair and giving the money to charity! We thought about doing it this weekend. But Jack still isn't sure about it yet but he doesn't wanna tell me why. He'll tell me later. Probably. Hopefully.

Jacks POV
The day went on like any other. Just boring and bullying. The bell rang for lunch and I was the first one out of the class. My teacher didn't make us go in line or anything so we just had to get up and walk out of the class. I ran to the cafeteria. I was like the first person there other than one class. I waited for Mark and the gang. Once I saw I waved and started to run up to them but mostly Mark. As I started to quickly approach them Mark started running towards me. We both giggled the entire time just running. I jump up and tackled Mark but not to the ground because that would be embarrassing. Wrap my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. We were both a giggling mess after the impact. We let go of each other and went in line with the rest of the gang. We found one giant table that we could all sit at. I sat next to Mark, Ethan and Tyler sat with each other like always for some reason, Bob and Wade sat next to each other, and Cry and Felix sat next to each other. While we were talking and eating, Tyler and Ethan spoke up. "So we wanted to tell you guys something," Tyler said blushing a little. Ethan nodded giving Tyler a reassuring and excited smile. "We are together," Ethan said with a happy smile. "Yep, we thought we would tell you guys!" Tyler said. We all clapped and cheered for them but quietly so we wouldn't get yelled at. It felt like hours during lunch. The break seemed to drag on and on. But I got to spend time with everyone. Soon the bell rang. We had to go to our last period yay.

Mark's POV
The bell rang. YES! But no since I have to tell Tyler that I like Jack. Ugh life is just so UGH. Jack wasn't there when I got to the buses. I assumed Jack was still in class or caught up in the crowd. I shrugged it off. I found Tyler and walked up to him with a smile. "Hey Mark, you gonna tell me who you like?" Tyler asks with smirk. I blush and look down. I look back up and started to blush a bit. "Well I like.." I sighed heavily before continuing," I like Jack.." I mutter and look down. "Wait.." Tyler hushed his voice a bit. "What..?" Tyler says. "I like Jack.."

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