My Heart At The Sight

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My heart dies at the sight
Of girls afraid to show their love.

Because of the people who curse
And discriminate against them.

Their hands don't touch
For fear of hate and malice.

Their hearts ache from being apart
Yet so close to touching.

My heart cries at the sight
Of boys who love one another.

They sit side by side
But never touch.

They fear the scorn and disgust
Of the ones around them.

They love and live in fear
Because of people's hatred.

My heart shatters at the sight
Of a woman afraid

Of using a public bathroom.
She fears being beaten and tormented.

Her eyes are sad and sunken
As though she's fought this battle before.

My heart shatters at the sight
Of a woman in hijab afraid to sit on the train.

Her eyes flutter from person to person
Waiting to see who's hatred is worse.

Her fear of being labeled
A terrorist or radical

Is fought against by her will
To change the world.

My heart cringes at the sight
Of a woman hating her body because she isn't size three.

The clothes she admires
Are far too small for her beauty.

I see the sadness in her eyes
And the way her shoulders fall

When she sees the size
Of the dress she loves.

I wish my heart did not have to grieve
For I despise the fear and sadness I see. 


This is kind of like a rant in poem format. It was kind of long too, sorry bout that.

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