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*Skylar's pov*

we arrive back at the mansion and Ella looked madder then a bull. "BEN!!!!" she yelled and punched him.

"what the?" I look at Ben his noes was bleeding and he looked but then yet sad.

"LEAVE ME ALONE ELLA!!!" Ben growled pulling out his sword his eyes begun to bleed.

"BEN DROWNED!!!" E.j yelled and took his sword away from him.

"im telling Skylar your secret and im telling Slendy that you we're going to kill me" Ella cried and ran up to Slendy's room.

"im guessing your gonna know my secret" he sighed and walked upstairs.

"maybe" I say.

"BENJAMIN!!!!!!" Slendy yelled and went upstairs to Ben's room.

"Ben has a crush on you, Skylar" Ella cried. I froze.


"ill take you to your room" she sighed


I sat on the bed. "ill be in the room across from this one" she informed me. I nodded.


I mentally sighed. "what?" Ben asked I look up and grinned

"trying to beat the boss on Legends Of Zelda" I say. he sat beside me "oh, and i know your secret" he sighed


"for what?" I asked confused. he looked at me.

"for liking you...you probably dont like me back"

"who said that?" I say chuckling. "i like you back"

".....really.....?" he smiled.


he leans in so do I we kissed until-

"WHAT THE F***!!!!!" Ella screamed madder then s***.

my cheeks turn red.

"LEAVE BEN LEAVE!!!!" Ella yelled pointing to the window.

"no" he growled.

"Ella we need to talk" E.j says pulling Ella out. Ben sighed.

"I better go before she gets mad at you" He says. he walks up to the window.

"Ben, you dont have to" I grab his arm.

"trust me...I want you to be happy with Ella being your best friend" he says and jumps out. I watch him as he bumps into Smile dog and they both ran away.

I  laid down and started playing temple run on my phone.

                   *Ella's pov*

I walked in my room then remembered Skylar dont go out at night. but when I got in there Ben was kissing Skylar. I seriously got mad. "WHAT THE F***" I yelled

Skylar's cheeks turn red. "LEAVE BEN, LEAVE" I yelled pointing to the window

"no" he growled.

"we need to talk" E.j says pulling me into our bedroom.

"you have to stop being so possessive over Skylar" he sighed.

"but-but Ben...." I started. he kissed me.

"their perfect for each other" he protests with a smile.

"fine....ill apologize" I say and walk into my friends room.

"Skylar, im sorry" I apologized. she ignored me. I sigh Skylar looked up she looked angry.

"Im not a pet or your daughter! you dont have control of me!" she growled and looked back at her phone.

"I know...and I'm sorry" I apologized again. "im gonna find Ben" I turned around.

"ill go....and can Jeff come?" I ask.

"you know Jeff?!" I asked shocked. he hated people.

"yeah, he's my friend" she smiled.

"he's in the basement go" I say. "oh, and knock first" I add

                *Skylar's pov*

I go to the basement and knock. "Jeff?"

he opens the door. "hey, Skylar" he hugged me so i hugged back. "do you need anything?"

"actually, yes.....could you help me find Ben?" I asked he nodded


"i have a feeling where he might be" Jeff said and pulled me to a abandoned house.

we walked in Ben and Smile Jumped out making me squeal, Jeff started laughing. "your scared easy aren't ya" Jeff laughed

"why are you guys here?" Ben asked with a confusing tone.

"to tell you that shes pregnant" Jeff joked.

"WHAT?!" Ben yelled his eyes started to bleed "WITH WHO?!!!"

"glob, calm down he was joking" me and Jeff laughed at his now tomato red face.

"then....why are you here?" Ben asked.

Jeff picks up Ben and I pick up Smile. "to kidnap you" I smiled.


we let them down. "Wow, Jeff actually did something for someone" Ella laughed. Jeff glared at her.

"o-okay....." she stuttered and backed away accidentally knocking down Dr. Smiley. "s-sorry" she runs away. I laughed.

"how?" I asked.

"magic!....goodnight" Jeff waved. leaving me and Ben.

"is Ella....still mad?" he asked worriedly.

"no, but....if you hurt her....ill break every single bone in your body" Ella warns. "goodnight Sky Sky" she hus me.

"night night" I say. she walks away.

"can I kiss you?" Ben asked sweetly. I smiled.

"yeah". we kissed for about 10 seconds. "goodnight,Ben."

"goodnight Skylar". with that I walked into the room and fell asleep quickly and happily.

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