6- "The double date is here."

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"Let's end this... whatever this is." Ayu said, her words loud and clear while I tried my best to hide my shock.

We stood up and went out for a walk in the crowded streets. The sun had nearly set, giving room for the dark sky. Ayu glanced at me and I turn myself towards her. We stopped walking and I let out a huge sigh. I wish we could have spent more time together like this. It was good while it lasted. She sure wasl cruel. 

"Fine." I said finally, giving her a wry smile.

"Well, that was fast."

"We weren't in a relationship anyway, so this had to end sooner than later." I said as a matter of fact. "I just didn't think you'd end it so soon so I was taken aback. Can we do a farewell kiss or something?"

"Oh Jamie!" She says in a babyish voice and gives a light hit on his cheek with her fist. I frown.

"So what changed your mind so suddenly?" I questioned, curious.

Ayu took a moment to answer as she looked downcast. "The thing is, my ex-boyfriend is asking me to come back."

"Okay, you never mentioned this before," I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"Says the one who never mentioned anything about your dating life."

"Touchè. Continue." I motioned her.

We resumed walking. "I was dating Alex for a while, but then things got rough and we kind of separated. It's almost been two months since then but I missed him so much. I tried to contact him but he barely replied. However, for the past few days he's been trying to get me back, and I think it's working."

Okay, now I was getting kind of pissed. "Why did you never mention this earlier?"

She looked down to the ground, trying to find words as she spoke. "Alex was thinking about me. He was thinking about ways to rekindle our relationship unlike me who's been busy locking lips with another man I barely know. I feel like I've cheated. I- I don't deserve him."

"You seriously think it's your fault? For God's sake Ayu, he was the one who left you in the first place. It's even stranger that he wants you back now when he never tried to contact you in between. You were free to do whatever you wanted to, so don't blame yourself." I consoled her.

"You don't understand!" She raised her voice slightly. “Yes, he's strange and acts out sometimes, but overall, he's a good person.”

I blinked at her smiling face, surprised. "You like him! It's actually creepy seeing you like this."

"And what's with you sounding like a kid who has no idea about love."

"Oh, please! Of course I know."

"You do?" she cocks her head sideways.

"Yes, girls steal my heart all the time. I teased and we shared a laugh. But then, my voice got quieter. “Even though I've harbored romantic feelings before, I never experienced a connection that makes me want to stay you know... Like the soulmate kind. Perhaps it doesn't exist now.”

“Then, that ain't love. That's just dating someone to pass time until it expires." Ayu pointed out. 

“That's bullshit. I've genuinely cared and loved my exes.” I rolled my eyes. “So is this Alex your soulmate?”

“Most probably, yeah,” She stared back at me just as fiercely. It was as if we were fighting each other with our eyes. She scoffed, breaking away. “Whatever, I'm just glad I never became your girlfriend."

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