37- "Shattered."

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 *WARNING: This chapter contains bits of violence and swearing.                                                    


Raghav rubbed the injured sore jaw with his hand while groaning a little at the same time. He seemed to have recovered because he composed himself way too quickly. He looked at me, his eyes bulging with rage and his clenched fists all set to... Oh my God!

Shit, shit, shit, I gotta run for my life. RUN! Well, what do I expect? It's not like he'll worship my feet after hitting him so roughly. 

I hate to admit it but I was a hopeless 'coward' when it came to violence. I avoided situations like that in the past. I was only able to hit Raghav out of rage. I remember once when Neal was beaten up by some of our senior guys in school and I, Akira and some others went to take revenge on them. My very best effort was when I threw a light punch on one of them. I smiled like an idiot for hitting him but when he counter attacked me, I got scared shitless and ran as far as I could.

"You bloody rascal, HOW DARE YOU?!" Raghav barked taking a lurching step forward, snapping me out of my thoughts. My body tensed. My breath ragged as I took a few step backwards, preparing to run.

But I was too late.

Before I knew it, he pounded his fist on my stomach and then kicked the same spot with such a force that made me spit from my mouth. My throat choked for air. I fell to my knees instantly and clutched my belly, writhing in pain. He was indeed a lot stronger than I thought. Damn! It seriously hurt.

He wasn't done yet. I barely caught my breath when he punched the side of my face and then, pulled my hair from the same hand, making me screech. His hand on my hair forced me to look into his bloodshot eyes. While mine were merely squinting due to the throbbing pain on my forehead. Somehow I managed to grip his wrist with my hands trying to push him away. I cried when he lifted my head up more. "Arghh, g- get away."

"Do you have any idea who you're dealing with, brat? You should be happy I was civil to you when I really shouldn't be. Just look at you. You cannot even lift a finger at me while I am capable of breaking every bone in your body. Look, it took an awful lot of time to come here and waste my breath on a joker like you. So do me a fucking favor and listen to me!" He commanded. He jerked me away, finally letting go of me. I heaved a loud breath before falling flat on the floor.

Never did I felt so hopeless and humiliated before. He wounded my very own ego and pride. Damn you! What a perfect way to ruin a perfect afternoon.

"You.. fuckin' started... it all." I managed to say while panting. Somehow I forced my body to move and stand up awkwardly. I staggered as I walked due to the throbbing pain in my stomach and face. I covered my head with my hand, feeling nauseated. Slowly, I made my way to the kitchen and poured some water on my glass. I gagged a few times on the sink before drinking the water. I took my sweet time catching my breath as I leaned against the wall. Surprisingly, Raghav was on silent mode now. It was a relief to see him standing ten feet away from me. I couldn't let him see my body shaking involuntarily. I couldn't let him show my weakness.

My first instinct was to call the police since it was clear I didn't stand a chance against him. Or call Akira. Maybe I should run to my room and lock the door to save myself. That sounded like a plan, alright. Breathe, Jamie, breathe! It's okay, it will be fine.

Right when Raghav looked away, I stole the chance to grab my phone from the table. Of course the motherfucker noticed me in the nick of time and closed the distance in three steps. He hit my hand with his, thus letting the phone fall from my hand to the ground. 

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