He Forgets Your Birthday :(

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Your P. O. P

Its my birthday, yaaaaaayy! The only downside is normally on my birthday, Connor would make me a breakfast in bed, with a surprise bouquet of roses. Right now, Connor is out with his band-mates, the only thing i've received from him is a note saying;

'Morning, babe; I'm out with the boys were going out to hang out, do a quick covet for Youtube, then we are going to meet up with our team and have a meal to celebrate our success. Love you Baby!'

He can't have forgotten my birthday, could he? No, of course not, he ain't heartless. y/n stop thinking stupid things, he loves you he wrote it down.

Well then, Happy Birthday y/n.

A/n awwww Connor, why?! guys i'll upload part 2 when im free... Love you all lots, just like jelly tots :) x x

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