An imagine for; TheRandonChronicles

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For TheRandonChronicles


Hi! I'm Opal Evens, Tristan's twin sister. Yes he's older than me, but only by 20 minutes! and yes, he still won't lie that go. People say we look alike and I don't really like being compared to a guy so I dyed my hair black with pink streaks and best of all.. My fringe is orange! I also have amazingly yellow eyes. How awesome? Very.

Well, today I am going to meet his band, The Vamps, for the first time since they've been together.

Once we got to Brad's house Tristan introduced me to the boys.
'Hi, I'm Brad.' He has curls and I'll admit it he's kinda cute.
'Hello, the names James.' ooh them biceps.
'Hey, I'm Connor.' wow, he's hot if not hot, perfect.
'Hi, guys. I'm Opal, Tristan's twin.' I said.
'Yep, we've heard a lot about you, and its a pleasure to meet you in person.' James said.
'It's a pleasure to meet you guys too. I need to know a bit mor about you boys too, all I know is that you like music.'
The boys all got ready to practice while I just sat there. I'll introduce myself later once they've practiced as I a little awkward at times.

I noticed that Connor stared at me, do I have something on my face? It was around 6pm when the boys finished an Connor came straight towards me 'okay opal, act natural and don't act stupid.' I said to myself, under my breath.

'Hey Opal. I wanna find out more about you' Connor said.
'Why?' I laughed.
'I don't know, you just seem interesting.' he responded.
'Hmm.. how so?'
'Like I said, I don't know.' he laughed.
'Okay, what do you wanna know?'
' Single or taken? favourite colour? favourite artist(s)/band(s)? favourite song?'
'Woah there tiger, one at a time.' I joked.
'Oh sorry.' He blushed.
'Aww, don't worry. Well I'm single, blue is my favourite colour, I like a lot of bands, I like;
You Me At Six, All Time Low, The 1975, the Arctic Monkeys, Paramore, Bring Me the Horizon and loads more.'
'No way! we literally have the same interests. I think its fate or destiny.' He said. I couldn't help but laugh and nod. he's honestly perfection, he had no flaws. 'So what do you think? I have two tickets to an All Time Low tickets and I don't know who to take so I thought you as I now know we are so alike. Yes or no?' Connor asked.
'Yeah, of course I don't mind.'

Little did we know that, that was the start of a beautiful relationship.


A/N: yes guys, I'm back!! And I really hope you liked this imagine, TheRandomChronicles. I enjoyed the storyline. But you could tell me if it's a little poo, I don't mind.

On another note, I will be trying to update as much as I can, I haven't really got a phone at the moment as my school confiscated it :( but I'll try :)

Ily guys and please continue reading and voting and commenting it good or not and share too, thanks :*

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