Your At The Boxing Day Sales And You Get In A Fight With Another Person (James)

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Your P.O.V

"James! Are you ready? We need too go,NOW! If we want to go to the sales before its too crowded." I said to James, my boyfriend of 3 years.

"Yeah babe, Im just coming down the stairs right now." James replied.

"Ok, ill wait in the car, oh and by the way, your driving."

We got to our closest,biggest mall within a half an hour time limit. The first store we went to was 'Next' because that was the only store open at 7am in the morning.

"Hey,James, does this dress look cute or what?" I asked

"Yeah, its beautiful and elegant." James replied back "Why don't we find some matching shoes to go with it?"

"Yeah sure!"

I started to look at the shoe section and found a pretty decent looking pair of heels, it was about 6" and it was nude,suede. It goes perfectly with the dress as it was a plain black skater skirt.

I went on to find a jacket I could possibly wear with it, as it was winter.

I found an absoulute gorgeous nude coloured cardigan and it was my size, prefect. But a lady, not much older than me, snatched it out of my hand, literally snatched it.

"Oi! What on earth do you think your doing?!" i asked, shouting.

"I saw it first and then you just swooped it off the rack." she defended

"Well you didn't exactly take it and pop it in your basket, which i what i was doing, and you havn't exactly pershased it yet, so technically I am entittled to buy that as you did not take it." I said

"Babe, Y/N, just let the lady have it, its a nice thing to do." James said

"Well, I wasnt the one to snatch it out of someone else's hand, am I? Am I?!." I said, drawing a lot of attention , unintensionally.

"Baby, just give it, let her make a fool out of herself wearing that, because she wont look as hot as you would wearing it." James whispered in my  ear.

"Aw babe, you really mean that?" I whispered back.

"Oh, I wouldn't lie babe." He said back.

So at the end I ended up getting the dress, shoes and a even better cardigan, chosen specially by James.


Sorry for not updating recently, i've been quite busy. And apologies for this imagine being really poo. Also remember, you can request your own imagine by 1. commenting below 2. inboxing me 3.naaa theres only 2 options.

byeeeee i might update again later on :)

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