Chapter 6 ~ Lead

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Lonnie's pov

Emmett went after Rosalie. I went inside and Alice found me some clothes but not a shirt. My leg is better Carlisle says, it healed fine. It's weird being around here with vampires, I miss home and my mom. I miss chandler too, but she probably forgot about me. I knew she would become popular this year, she's coming out of her shell and trying new things meeting new people. I'm proud of the person she is becoming with our without me. "Lonnie." I heard Alice say. I looked up and smiled.

"You seemed like you were a deep thought. But I found you a shirt." She said walking over and showing it to me. It was obviously Emmett's, it looked to small for him but it was still to big for me. "Here." She said holding it out to me, I opened it up and than pulled it over my head. The sleeves came over my hands and the ends of the shirt came to my mid thigh. "Let's make some minor adjustments." Alice said thinking.

She simply rolled the sleeves up so they weren't over my hands. "Thanks." I said laughing as I looked at what I was wearing. Emmett's shirt, ripped jeans and some black high top converses. "Anytime." She said smiling then skipped out the room. I love Alice, I smiled as I left the room.

I headed downstairs and my stomach growled loudly. I held my stomach "Shh, before they hear you." I told my stomach quietly. I heard footsteps and ran away but they were vampires, they could hear and sense me. "Not so fast." They said I stop mid run and sighed. I turned and saw jasper. "Come on just let me lone, I'm not hungry." I said just as my stomach growled again. He looked at my stomach and then me. "I don't want to have to force you." He said stepping closer. Oh shit!

"Jasper no.." I said and before I could step back he picked me up and placed me over his shoulder. He seemed to laugh as I squirmed, I have since his grip was tight. He brought me to the kitchen and set me down. "Better not run again, I'm watching you." He said smiling. "Whatever." I mumbled laughing as I sat down.

Esme and Carlisle where in the kitchen making me and Bella something. "Bella has been MIA since I been here." I said Esme smiled "She's been with Edward." She explained softly. I shrugged and then heard footsteps. I looked and saw Emmett. "We got her, me and rose found her." He said Esme and Carlisle looked at each other then me. "I'll finish cooking." I said

Esme smiled a thank you and Carlisle gave me a rub on the back then left with Esme. I finished cooking then went to the cabinets. I found the bowls, i hopped up onto the counter. "Look what we have here." Someone said I turned and saw a boy. He had red eyes, I screamed and fell off the counter and all the bowls and plates fell out. I hit the floor and the plates, bowls, and glasses shattered around me.

I whimpered as glass went into my arms. "Lonnie!" I heard Emmett yell and before I knew it he came into the kitchen. "I'm fine, I slipped." I lied "Liar." Some one said I looked and saw Edward. "I heard his thoughts, you can smell his scent." Edward said walking over. Carlisle walked over and looked at my hands and stuff. I wasn't bleeding but it hurt. "Come on we have to get them out." Carlisle said "She's gone!" Alice yelled as she ran in the room.

"If you wouldn't have ran away Emmett! We would of still have had her!" Rose yelled walking in. Carlisle helped me up and slowly helped me out the room. "Rosalie! Shut up!" Alice yelled, everyone looked at her. She sighed heavily and cleared her throat. "You're always complaining, you don't know how to keep your mouth shut." Alice said trying to sound happy again. But it failed and she stormed out to probably go get jasper. Carlisle took me to his study and I sat down on the metal table.

"What are you thinking about?" Carlisle asked. I looked at him and winced as he pulled out a piece of glass. "Why I'm still here? I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. You all deserve to be the perfect family you were before I came along bringing trouble." I said he looked at me as I continued to talk. "I'm sorry, for everything." I apologized looking down.

"You're still here because of Emmett, he cares about you a lot. He doesn't want anything to happen to you, and the trouble you're bringing don't worry about it. Bella brought trouble too, still does." He explained laughing slightly. I smiled "Thanks." I said smiling more. "Anytime." And with that said and my arms cleaned, I went back to the living room but heard yelling. "You won't always be able to protect her! She's Human!" Rose yelled at I'm guessing Emmett. "We all should calm down." That's Edward. "I will protect her all I want! Rose so what if she is human!? You were human once!" Emmett yelled back.

I couldn't take it anymore. "Stop." I said looking at them both. They all looked at me, I sighed. "Rose, I know you just want to protect him. You don't have to anymore, because I'm leaving." I said with confidence. "What?" Emmett asked turning toward me. "I'm leaving, I-i can't have you and your family risking your lives for me. I'm not important, I don't matter. Edward take me home." I said walking toward the door.

Edward looked at Emmett but grabbed his keys and flashed out the front door. "You can't go." Emmett said grabbing my hand as I went to leave. "Emmett let go." I said slowly pulling away. He looked hurt? "Let me go, in here." I said pointing to where his heart is. "And in here." I said pointing to his head. "Just let go, I'll be okay." I said smiling.

He shook his head and pulled me into a tight hug. Hugging him was like hugging a bear, I buried my face in his chest. "Lonnie we gotta go." Edward yelled from the car. "I'll miss you." I said pulling away. "Thank you." I added as I stood on my toes and pecked his cheek. "Look after him for me." I said to rose. She looked sad but she soon pushed it aside and nodded.

I grabbed Emmett's hand and intertwined our fingers. "I'll see you around Cullen." I said looking up into his gold eyes, I was going to miss spending the day with him. But there was school, but that would be awkward probably. Uh oh. "Human let's go!" Edward yelled. I slowly pulled away and turned. As I walked away I felt like I was breaking inside? It hurt me to leave him like that but why?

 As I walked away I felt like I was breaking inside? It hurt me to leave him like that but why?

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