A "Hero" is born

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My name is Nahra Thor.

Thee who hath been chosen.

A great peril shall befell a continuity.

O, brave one.

State thy--

"I refuse."



'Eh? Wait... You're Razi Sousuke right?' The boy just glanced at my floating figure as he continued laying down on his bed.

"Yes, I am. So?"

'As I said, a continuity is in a great per--'

"I don't care." He said as he turned his back on me. 'At least listen to what I have to say!!' I yelled as I pulled his covers.

"What is it now...?" He lazily said as he sat on his bed.

'A continuity is in a great peril! You, as the prophecy said, will be the savior of our--'

"Out of the question." He said as he took back his covers and went back to sleep.

This mortal... I have no choice but to peek inside his dreams and see what his desires are and offer to grant his desires once he saved our universe.

'I shall grant you anything that you so desire... So, what is it? Women? Power? The cliched friendship?' I said as I entered his dreams.

And there I saw him. Sleeping.

'WHY WOULD YOU SLEEP INSIDE YOUR OWN DREAM?!' I yelled loudly as I got out of his dreams.

"Urgh... You're too loud... Wait," He got up and looked at my floating figure with sleepy eyes."... Who are you anyways?"

'Oh NOW you want to know?!'

"Not really. Well, if you're a robber, there's nothing to steal here. Just cup noodles and a laptop that you can only sell for half a day meal." He said as he picked his nose. This insolent human....!

But I must keep my composure. I need him, or else that continuity will be doomed. I cleared my throat and looked at him again. 'Please... Save our continuity... And I'll grant you anything that you so wish.'

"Just do it yourself..." He was about to go to bed again but I stopped him.' I wish I could, but I'm just an observer, without the power to interfere with that continuity's events myself.' He sighed. "Fine... What am I supposed to do?"

I was overjoyed. I might have shown it in my expression actually. 'During your journey, you will be faced by many dangers.... However, that's where I will help you. You can state one power that will assist you during your journey! Just ask any kind of power that you want!'

"Gimme power that will give me all powers then."

'That's cheating.'

"Then gimme power that will let me beat everything in one hit."

'If we have that, we don't need a hero.'

"Well... Gimme a power that will let me do that world saving thing from my bed?"


"Ehh... You're quite useless aren't you...?" He said while scratching his head. This brat...!

'Your requests are too demanding... Please be reasonable with the power that you want.'

"Power to summon anything that I imagine then?"

'Finally something reasonable... I can do that at least.' I sighed in relief. 'Well, lets' begin the ritual...'

"Oh cool. You do that while I sleep."

'No, you need to stay awake.'

"Quite demanding, aren't you...?"

I put my hands on top of his head and chanted.

My name is Nahra Thor.

Thee who hath been chosen.

A great peril shall befell a continuity.

O, brave one.

State thy desires

"Ah darn, I haven't thought about that." This human's pissing me off.

"Hmm... Power to do anything without doing anything I guess..." How lazy are you...?

Thou's wish hath been heard

To thee I bestow the power

The power of 'Imagination and Dreams'

Now go forth

And save the world.

"Ah sure, bring me there as I sleep okay?"


And thus a hero was born.

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