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A Girl shown sleeping peacefully.. with a big size teddy bear.. hugging him tightly. A smile is playing at her lips like she was dreaming about something special.

A girl came in her room...and patt her cheeks softly. "wake up chotu...its your first day of college.. You don't want to be late naa.." said she sweetly. "Don't disturb me jaanu..." said the sleeping girl and turned opposite side. "I know how to wake her up.." said a boy of age 12 coming into the room. "No I am waking her up naa...Don't do anything.. " said the second girl looking at the boy. But he didn't listen and came with a small puppy in his hand. The girl give a glare to him nodding no. He brings the puppy near sleeping beauty's face n puppy starts licking it. The girl sitting beside her put her both hands on her ears knowing what was coming. The girl slowly open her eyes feeling little wet on her face but wide her eyes horrified. "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." screamed she loudly, pushing puppy n immediately run out of the room screaming. Both girl n boy giggled.

"Sorry naaa ragu di.." said the boy sitting beside her on dining table for breakfast. She gave him a angry glare n turned her face pouting angrily. He gulped n wishpered to the other girl. "Today's temperature 104' "...said he chuckling. "Shut up avi.. she is too much angry today.. Why you do this.. You know naa she is scared of dogs.. " wishpered girl strictly. "But you too was laughing naa" said avi pouted. She glared him n he bend his head." Maa my choco milkshake.."..asked ragini little loudly looking at the other girl from the corner of her eyes. "Chotu I will get naa like always.. " said the girl standing up. "Maaaaa..." shouted ragini again. " Mishu di.....105' "..whispered avi again making her sit back on the chair. She pouted looking at ragini. Janki came holding a glass of choco milkshake and ask misavi raising one eyebrow what's the matter.
They make puppy face. "You know mishu di.. Yesterday my one friend gave me a big silk..I thought to give it to someone as I don't like chocolates.. But now I am thinking to give it back to him itself ".. said avi showing a big dairy milk silk to mishu. Ragini licks her lips looking at the silk with desire filled eyes. "Avinaash..." called ragini sweetly. " You are talking to me ragu di...I thought u r angry with me " said avi raising his one eyebrow. Ragini smile sheepishly. "How can I be angry with my sweetheart little brother " said she trying to take chocolate from his hand. Janki n mishu chuckled. " Promise me you will not be angry if I do any masti again "...said he waving choco in front of her face. She nodded instantly not removing her eyes from waving choco. They heard a bus horn. " Your bus came avi" said janki holding his bag n water bottle standing at the door. " Take this n yaa don't get angry now.." said avi placing choco on table winking at her n rushed towards janki. She look at his direction confused but squealed like a child to see choco. Shomi and mishu smiled looking at her. As soon as she pick choco her smile replaced with a frown n then anger. "Aviiiiiiiiii.." screamed she with full force. Janmish suppress their laugh seeing the chocolate cover empty. "He did it again.. showing her a full chocolate and and at the last moment.. remove it from cover and make cover like before.." said janki laughing. Ragini pouted looking at both of them. "Aww..my chotu...I will brought a chocolate while going college.. come we are getting late.." said mishu caressing her hair. "Sachhiiii.." asked ragini with twinkling eyes. "Muchhii.. "..said mishu kissing her forehead. She squealed like a kid and rushed towards her room to take her bag.

"I am very much worried for her mishu.. She is still kid..." said Janki with moist eyes. "Don't you worry Maa...her jaanu is always with her like shadow.. ".. said mishu assuring her mother. "I trust you for that but she is so innocent... I am worried what will happen when she will know about the truth.. "..said janki with worried face. Mishu's face fell listening her. "No maa...she shouldn't know about it...If she got to know .. she is going to hate baba.. whom she think her world now..".. said mishu painfully. They saw ragini coming out from room and composed themselves. " Maa when will baba return... Its my first day of college.. "..asked ragini pouting. "He has some more work there beta... It will take two days more..Doesn't he told you on call.."asked janki. "I didn't talk to him...as I am angry on him.."...said she sheepishly. "From when you are not taking to him "..asked mishu little worried. "From yesterday night "..said she pouting. Janmish chuckled. "Don't worry ragu bachha... ur baba will be here today itself " said janki winking at mishu knowing the reason. "Really... But you said he will come after 2 days.. "asked ragini innocently. "Because his princess is not talking to him...that too from yesterday night... Till now toh he would be in his flight to come here.. " said mishu holding her shoulders with a low chuckle. Ragini gave them a close-up smile. Both headed to their college.

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