Arrest Me Officer~(Edited)

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Eren's POV

Seriously?! He's pregnant?! I was only joking, but if he's pregnant then... I'M GONNA BE A FATHER! FUCK YEAH, BITCHES!!! .... Wait... I'm gonna be a father. Shit. I don't know a thing about child care. I turn to Levi. "Sooo... Uh... Do you know how to take of kids?" I ask. He frowns. "Do I look like a mother to you?" he asks, rhetorically. "Well, you are baring my children..." I say, matter-of-factly.

He glares at me. I change the subject, so he wouldn't try to hit me. "SO! How did you manage to get pregnant? I mean not that it's bad, it's just-""It's a medical condition..." he states cutting me off. Huh? "Medical condition?" he sighs heavily before explaining.

"When I was about... Sixteen? I was diagnosed with what was first thought to be erectile dysfunction, mostly due to the fact that I never entered a hormonal stage... However, my specialist... He said I had an extra female chromosome..." he pauses, seemingly in deep thought, debating whether he should continue or not.

"He said... I developed the female reproductive system fused with my male reproductive system. He was also surprised that the 'mutation' didn't affect my physical genes." he looks at me as though he was waiting to be judged. I remain silent. How do you respond to that?

I barely know anything about him besides the fact that he's the highest rank police officer, damn good in bed, sexy as hell- you know what, this isn't helping...

I grab Levi's hand and kiss it lightly before staring into his eyes. "Hey, that's fine with me. I think it would be best if we talk more about ourselves. Like we should have to begin with." I said stroking his hand with my thumb. "Do you want a recap on what happened in the 'beginning'?" he retorts gently. I thought for a moment before remembering how our encounter started.

"Ohhh... Heh... Yeah about that...." I hesitate. "Oh come on Eren, you know you could've just approached me normally, like everyone else." he says matter of factly. Damn sexy bastard... "Name one man that would travel from off the grid to see you." I retort smugly. "What's your point?" "It's weird for a man to travel from far out to see another man!" I swear if I didn't love him so much, I probably would've killed him.

Then again... If I didn't love him, I would've never become a killer to begin with... I'm interrupted from my thoughts by Levi getting up. Nooo! I want him to stay a little longer! I grabbed his waist, pulling him back into my lap. "Eren...""No." I tighten my grip around his waist as he resists. "Eren. Let go! I need to meet up with-""Meet up?" I cut him off.

Meet up? He... He got into contact with someone?! "So... You're leaving?" I said just above a whisper. He sighed before turning to face me. "Only for a little while. I'll be back in a couple hours. I left while you were out so I could make a phone call. Hanji was worried and wanted to see-""You..."

"Yes. So that's why-"


Levi's POV


Wait... What? I look at Eren and quickly regret everything I told him. He look like he was possessed by the devil. Everything happened so fast... Too fast... I opened my eyes to complete darkness. "E-Eren...?" I call out weakly. Why do I feel so useless? "Oh! You're finally awake!" he says in a sickly sweet voice. That's when the lights came on.

Taking in my surroundings, I realized where we were... The basement. "Oi... Eren... What is this?" I said referring to my bound state. "Don't worry... I'll make sure you don't leave..." he says. He walks over to the opposite corner. There was a figure chained to the wall. "Eren! What the hell!" I yell seeing Hanji chained. He smiles before glaring at her. "Why? She'll only just take you away from me."

Dude... That's disgusting. "First of all: Ew! Second: She didn't even know about... Us." "Wait... Us?" she asks. Silence. "Levi... You're working with him?" she sounds hurt. Eren huffs. "I'm not working with him... I'm dating him... At least I thought." Eren growls. "What does that mean?! You were planning to leave me?!" he shouts.

"NO, YOU SHITTY BRAT! LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE DOING! YOU HAVE US BOTH TRAPPED DOWN HERE LIKE YOU'RE PLANNING TO KILL US, YOU PSYCHOPATH!" I rage. I'm just about fed up with his split attitude. Bipolar motherfucker! "Eren... If you can't trust me to go out and come back after we've been together this long, then this... Just won't work." He was silent.

He heads back upstairs without another word.

Erwin's POV

I was sitting at my desk working on the documents of missing people. Strange... Around the time after Levi went missing, there have been no signs of Eren... As I look through more of the documents I'm interrupted by a phonecall.

"This is the police department, how my I assist you?"

I have who you are looking for~

That can't be... "Eren... What have you done to him?! Give him back!"

Now now, don't be hasty~ Just come retrieve them.

Them? "You captured Hanji too?!"

Why yes of course~ Don't worry~ She's in good hands~

"Why you... Give me your location! I'm coming to get them!"

Heh... *click*

The bastard hung up on me... How the hell am I supposed to... Wait.... The number...? THE NUMBER! HE USED HANJI'S PHONE! I can track it easily. However, there's no way in the world I'm going alone...

Timeskip Eren's POV

I sit on the couch staring at a blank screen. So... This is it, huh? I worked so hard to have him, but... In the end I only made him hate me. Maybe this is for the best... I could faintly hear Levi shouting for me to come back... I didn't want to do this, but I've gone too far. Suddenly the doors are knocked down. An army of soldiers came rushing in following the screams of Levi and Hanji. A few held me down as if I would fly away if they didn't.

As they drag me to the car, I look back to see Levi talking to one of the other police officers, before looking at me. His eyes were wide with tears threatening to spill. I smile and broke out of the soldier's grip rushing to Levi before falling to my knees. He grabs me by the collar and pulls me close, our noses almost touching. "Why?" he asks. Tears falling freely now.

I lean forward and our lips collide. A few soldiers rush toward us to take me away, but Levi halts them. We break apart and I smile, repeating the words that turn his stomach. The words that would intimidate him to want to hunt me down and follow me until he captured me the way he captured my heart. The words I said the first day we met.

"Arrest me...



Arrest Me Officer~ (Book Of Ereri Smut With A Plot)Where stories live. Discover now