Chapter Twenty-nine

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Troyer's POV

I hold Rosemary as she collapses, lifeless in my arms. I grit my teeth, keeping back cries of anger. Tanner has one of his hands on Rosemary's back, but he let's if fall when she slumps. Mr. Abram stutters and I look up at him.

"What happened?" He demands. I look back at Rosemary. "Mr. Abram that's what I'm trying to figure out." I whisper. Rosemary's eyes are shut tightly, and there's a crease between her eyebrows, as if in a nightmare that she can't get out of. Tanner seems to notice, and he blinks at her. Tanner's gaze slips over to my eyes.

"Do you think that..... she looks like she's having a......" Tanner trails off. I nod, knowing what Tanner meant. Rosemary whimpers.

Cindy struts over to my side, glaring at Rosemary. She purses her lips. "Is she going to be okay?" She asks. I glance up at her, "pardon me for asking but, why again do you care? Yesterday you were making fun of her because of her scar." Cindy's face twists. "Hey I don't want her to get hurt." She said.

Rosemary shifted in my grasp, and I snap back to her. Rose whimpers again I cringe. I hate to see her like this. Especially since what happened yesterday.

Mr. Abram clears his throat, but then Rosemary screams. Bloodcurdling, piercing, and unforgiving. I pull her closer to me, and rock back and forth. Tears slip down her cheeks as she starts to tremble again.

Mr. Abram goes pale, "I'm going to get the nurse." He darts out the room. Cindy panics, "um... this is not normal.... what is wrong with her?" Tanner leaps to his feet, startling both me and Cindy. "That's it! That's why this is happening," Tanner said, pacing.

"What? Please explain why my friend I'd screaming like this. Why she is whimpering." I hiss. Tanner stops. Cindy looks at me, shocked. Tanner speaks, slowly, "I think it's the Dauntless fear serum. I think that's why she's acting like this." I breath hard.

That can't be true. Can it?

Then I recall what Mr. Abram said about the Dauntless serum. 'It can bring up you fears. It's part of initiation, facing all your fears.' My heart beat quickens. 'They inject you in the neck.'

I freeze. A but of Rosemary's hair fell out of her bun, and I brush the extra hair out of the way. My breath hitches. A small, red dot is visable.

An injection.

Rosemary screams.


Rosemary's POV

I screech as I see Marcus running towards me at Millennium Park. The park I was supposed to go through with Ella and Troyer. Marcus tackles me to the ground, breathing hard.

I've faced four other scenes of terror. Drowning, confinement, killing my friends, and public humiliation. And I've found ways to dodge them. But this one, this is the one I can't stand or face.

I feel cold metal press against the fabric of the long sleeved shirt I wear. But instead of grey, it's black.

"You," he hissed, "you betrayed me. And now you will pay." I gulp back another scream. Marcus steps back, and I can feel the cold chains wrapped around me body. I hiss. Marcus snarls.

Marcus's dark blue eyes change into black pits that can swallow me whole. The eyes the haunt me. When Marcus raises his arm, there's a grey belt in it. My cheeks are stained with tears, my fingers are numb, and my body aches. Where did he get that belt?

"This is for your own good."

With blinding speed, Marcus brings down the belt, and I feel stinging pain in my stomach.

Red is all I see, when everything melts.

Darkness once again feels my vision, and this time, I welcome it.

Two chapters in one day. ROUND OF APPLAUSE!!!!!!! I'm so proud! Thank you all for reading this! I am now in the voting stage of this book, so in Fictastic, you can vote for this book!!!!! Please go and do so!


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