How he porposed

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Harry: It was three years after the war and he had invited you out on a date. It was quite a while since the last time you got to go on a date due to everything that happened after the war. You were gonna watch a movie together, he knew you loved that kind of movies, and then you took a walk in a park. As you were on the top of a bridge Harry suddenly turned to you and got down on one knee. "Y/N, I love you with my whole heart and I've been wanting to ask you this ever since the war. Will you marry me?", he asked. You had started crying as he talked and you were barely able to get out a "Yes" before your voice broke. You will never forget that night.

Ron: It was after Harry and Ginny's wedding and you were walking home in the sunset. Suddenly Ron stopped and turned towards you as if an idea had popped into his head. "Y/N," he said looking at you intensely. "When we were fighting in the war I remember seeing someone throwing the killing curse at you and I thought it was going to kill you. In that moment I regretted not getting to say all I wanted to you. So I'm going to say it now. I love you and I would walk through hell for you. You are my everything and I want you to remember that. Hell, I even love you more than food. And I know this is a bit sudden, but-" He gets down on one knee, holding your hand. "Will you marry me?" Your eyes were welling up and you held the hand he didn't hold over your mouth. "Yes, you stupid little weasel, yes!" He smiled as he leaned up and kissed you, knowing that soon you would be his.

Fred: You were hiding behind a table during the Battle of Hogwarts, both out of breath. You looked at each other, knowing that you soon would have to jump out and fight. Out of nowhere a grin pops up on Fred's face as he looks at you and says "Y/N Y/L/N, if we both survive this - if anyone survives this - will you marry me?" You're shocked, but you smile, lean over and kiss him on the lips. "I would love to."
You had never seen Fred happier.

George: You were at Hogwarts, after the war, cleaning up messes. There was people all over the castle, but this area was rather empty. George looked up at you with mixed pain and love in his eyes. You were all in pain after this. He walked up to you and held your hands looking at you tenderly. "Y/N...", he started. "I love you and- and I was wondering if you will marry me?" George said, searching your face. "Yes, George, if you will marry me. "
You smiled so brightly- George hadn't seen you so happy in months. He picked you up and kissed you, mumbling into your mouth, " Who wouldn't?"

Neville: You were at your favorite restaurant, just having one trouble free night away from all the chaos. Neville seemed nervous for some reason, but whenever you asked him he kept saying he was fine. Now he was clapping on his pocket again. "Nev, are you sure you're fine," you asked, taking his hand. "Yes, yes I'm fine. You know what? There's actually something I wanted to ask you", he says.
"Great! Get the cat out of the bag, Nev. What's up?" Then Neville did something you didn't expect. He got down on one knee in front of you and took out a ring box from his pocket. "W-will you marry me?" Neville asked. You didn't even notice that the whole restaurant were staring at you, from all the joy you felt welling up in you. "Merlin's beard, Nev... Yes!" You basically jumped up on him, hugging him tight while the whole restaurant applauded.

Draco: You had taken a week trip to New York. You had always been in love with the city do Draco surprised you with a trip. The two of you were sitting on a bench in Central Park right by a lake. You talked about everything and nothing, just enjoying each other company. "Hey, Y/N?" Draco said with a sly smile. "Yeah.", you said looking up at him. He turned around, facing you, and took something out of his pocket. "Will you give me the honor of being my wife?", he said as he opened a small black box, reviling a silver ring. "Dear God, yes. A million times yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Did I say yes? 
Draco laughed and dragged you into a kiss, stopping your ranting.

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