[In The Beginning, There Was Sin]

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  Honestly, this doesn't have a plot, but, then again, our lives don't really have plots do they? Or is the big guy upstairs sitting around all day with nothing better to do than map out our lives in the form of stories that entertain him? You can believe in that shit if you want, whatever helps you sleep at night, but I can tell you right now—there is no God. There is, however, a hell. Speak my name to anyone and tell me what they say. They'll snarl and spit out 'he's the devil himself' through their clenched teeth. There's no one up there to come swoop down and save you when you need it most. Oh no. There's just me, my boy, and the room. Where you come into play is entirely up to you. I could be your worst nightmare come true or just a friendly face you pass on the street. Your choices are yours, but your consequences? Those are mine to choose.  

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