Falling Down The Stair's

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Sadly when I was three years of age I accidentally fell down the stairs and needed to have a head surgery due to a skull fracture.

This eventually ended up effecting my motor skills and shaping my life as I once known it. This resulted to developed a learning disability in my early childhood.

My earliest memory when i started to concept the thought that i had a learning difficulty when I was about seven years old and I had recall having great difficulty understanding. I did not understand what was happening around me, including basic concepts of how to socialize, getting along, and following simple "common sense" patterns. For example, I tended to walk crooked, easily forgetting to do things, seating down on the floor instead of a stool, getting lost in my own thoughts, and couldn't follow any basic directions given to me. Word puzzles and others puzzle in general was impossible for me to do.

My parents did not know the difficulties I was experiencing in which created miscommunication and misunderstanding that led to increased stress for everyone involved. Simple instructions were no way simple task for me, puzzles were painfully challenging to achieve. I often couldn't comprehend the words my mom was suggesting to me. So I often asked her to repeat herself with an added sentences to help me better understand what she meanly wanted me to do but she would rather get easily frustrated. I was doing my best to live onto their expectations. I was doing everything that I could to do the right thing but I couldn't help but be a disappointment to them. rather they were facing their own issue that would likely involve me.

My parents, unfortunately, expected more of me than I could give. They wanted what you so-called "a normal child" who I was not able to be because of the fall I had. So it led me on questioning that I was perhaps not brought to earth with a purpose I felt unhelpful to others. I was trying what I could have done right for I was only a child! With a disabled brain and more neglect. What more of the child would they had wanted me to become!...

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