Suicidal Attempts

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This is about the times I had attempted to ended all due the abuse, misunderstanding, and weight of it all. When I was 7 to 8 years of age I started to cut myself as bruises was common to me by the abuse so to filled a empty void. I had tried stabbing myself until I started crying to myself for forgiveness of some cruel being our anyone and asked why me! I also had tried hanging myself in my bedroom but in the process I failed before my mother started to walk-in. around 8-9 I ran into traffic so I can get hit by a car in the process I thought nothing but feeling dead inside. I was hit manor to my ribs people were yelling to call the ambulance but I just walked away from the commotion. I trip myself down down a third-floor building just to end up hurting my back and head. Around 9-11 I got myself involved in gang violence for a while I was chase by people trying to kill me but ended up not trying. Then when I was 14 I set a mattress on fire letting the apartment to smokes and eventually burning down in regards to everyone no one got hurt the last survival coming from the burning apartment was me halfway burned but stable my lungs were covered with smoke was sent to the hospital just so I was given another choice in life, it doesn't stop there their been times in the new life I was given the I still felt ending my life. I have overdosed myself, stayed on the cold blizzard day out before someone finding me shelter to worm myself, out in the heatwave while collapsing with durst but ended up being sent to a nearby hospital before leaving out, soaked in rain but nearly suffocated in sickness, the more I felt like ending it but that day when I first saw her I felt alive for once in from their I attempt to keep on fighting like I always had and always will.  Think of as crazy but I strived for a better tomorrow!

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