chapter ten: trial

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The air was thick with the tension, with the anger. I could sense it coming from everyone in the room, much directed at me, but not all. Everyone was pissed at everyone.

I was stewing in my own anger as I trailed along beside Nick, my arm looped through his. I knew what I was, to his people. I wasn't their Alpha Female, their Alpha Consort. I was a trophy to be flaunted, and a shitty one at that. I was a participant trophy on the varsity boy's shelf. I was weak, fragile, in comparison to his other... females. I was small and shrimpy, I covered my skin and worse glasses. I wasn't some strong sexy woman, I was just there, and that wasn't shit when I stood beside Nick.

I kept my chin up. I didn't make eye contact, I didn't break. I would be damned if I gave the people what they wanted; I'd be doing enough of that later.

We sat at the front, the center two seats on a table of seven. After we entered, bodies began to pile into the massive room, and I heard just over a hundred heartbeats. At some point, Dante ended up sitting beside Nick, Candy beside him. I tried to get her attention, but it was clear she'd had a long night. Her features were filled with exhaustion and she sort of slumped over the table, dozing off.

"It's all going to be okay." Tyler's scent overwhelmed me, but when I turned, it was Natalie sitting beside me. I knew why immediately; the low cut dress she wore showed off my brothers mark on her collar bone, in a position I wasn't sure how anyone could comfortably reach.

The mark was what tied you to someone for life, the marriage without the option of divorce. It mingled your scents, your entire biology. You couldn't have pup's until you were marked, you felt your mate's emotions and, sometimes, even their thoughts. The longer you've had the mark, the better you can control it. Marking immediately was tradition - but Nicholas wasn't exactly the traditional sort of guy. I wanted to know what I was getting into before I jumped into someone else's mind head-first - and before I let them into mine.

I smiled at Natalie when she pulled me into a hug, giving her a weak hug back. "Thanks. But I'm ready for this." I assured her, pulling back after a moment. Her smile faded away as she searched my gaze and she glanced at Tyler as he sat beside her, their frowns matching.

"Darcy, don't... don't be stupid. Mom's a big girl."

Tyler had always been good at figuring me out. He'd always been in charge of me as children, and he was good at keeping me out of trouble. He knew when I was planning something naughty before I did. If I got in trouble, so did he, for not keeping me out of it. 

But we weren't pup's anymore, and I could deal with my own punishments.

"Mind your business Tyler." I said, sweaty hands smoothing the dress down. "I know what I'm doing. I'm a big girl too." I insisted, scooting my chair in closer. I began fidgeting, waiting for the trial to begin. I scooted my chair in, pulled it back out. I twirled my hair and cleaned my glasses. Anxiety pulsed through me, and I tried my hardest to force it down. I couldn't lose my cool, not yet.

Minutes ticked by and the chattering died down as the doors opened. I turned my head on instinct, gaze landing on my mother.

She was a mess. Dark hair knotted, fine features hollow, eyes dark and pained. She limped with each step, and my every instinct told me to help her. She was my mother, she was my best friend growing up. I'd been shy and awkward and she'd always been there to pick me up when I broke down. It was a mothers instinct to protect her pup, and it was the pup's instinct to protect it's mother.

The Delta's marched her down the aisle, right passed our table and onto the small raised platform at the front of the room. She didn't cower, I gave her that much credit. She stood there, strong and brave and willing to take whatever came at her. I had to wonder where I got my introversion from, seeing her like that.

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