chapter seventeen: execution

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My memories of Mila were vague. I remembered her being fun, rebellious. She was a few years younger than mom, always getting into trouble. Trouble with the Alpha's, trouble with other packs, trouble with the human laws. She was whisked away when I was eight by Nicholas' pack, and we were told she'd gone Rogue.

Rogues weren't always out of their mind. They weren't always loose cannons. If a wolf was thought to be a danger to others, they were set out into the world - they were killed. Rogues were the special snowflakes, the ones who "didn't do well in pack settings". It was a glorified way to call them a criminal's who'd broke pack law's. They were frequently aggressive towards pack members, they didn't listen to their Alphas. They'd challenged a higher position and lost, they'd done something awful, like rape or kidnapping.

We were never told why Mila was made a rogue, and we didn't ask, because it was pretty obvious. Mila wasn't some serial killer, but she was disobedient. She had a short temper, she had an aggressive demeanor. If all the rumors were true, if Nick's soldiers were as abusive as they said, she would have snapped. She would have killed someone, she would have killed whoever made her feel so weak, so broken. She wasn't the type to take shit, to take anyone's shit. If she felt she was unfairly exiled, she would have risen up like this, she would have gotten an army, she would have gotten her vengeance.

She looked nothing like mom, she never had. She didn't smell like her, didn't act like her. If you put the two of them next to each other, nobody would think they were sisters, or even cousins or friends. While my mother was tall and fair, freckled skin and auburn hair, evidence of the Northern European blood their father possessed, Mila had our Grandmothers darker complexion. The olive skin, the dark brown hair, the dark eyes, the small stature. I looked more like her than the rest of my family, though my docile personality was nothing like hers.

"I don't think you need to surrender." she said as she strolled toward me, a smirk playing on her lips, far thicker than my own. I expected her to hug me, to have some wonderful family reunion, for her to drop her guns and pull me in. And as she moved closer, I took the quick stride between us, arms out to pull her into a hug-

And a hunk of cold metal hit me in the chest. I glanced down, staring at the gun she pressed against my flesh.

"Back up darling, or I'll pull the trigger." Her face was no-bullshit. She wasn't kidding, she wasn't lying. Her heartbeat never wavered, never slowed or sped up or skipped a beat. She was ready to kill her niece.

I stepped backwards, feeling numb and heavy at the threat, at the knowledge that the blood within our veins meant nothing

She smiled, far more pleasantly than before, but her arm remained extended with the handgun, her finger on the trigger. "Very good, my dear. Now, listen close because you're not worth the breath I'd have to waste to repeat myself. 

"You're going to open up that lovely mind link you share with Nicholas, and you're going to tell him I have you. You're going to tell him that he'll call his troops off. And, if he refuses, I'll execute you. He has until you and I are on the front lawn, and from then, he has sixty seconds. Then, I'll start killing you guys off one-by-one. First Candace, then Tyler, than little Natalia, then you."

I felt nauseous. I felt like everything I'd ever known and loved was on the edge of a cliff, like I was the only one who could pick it up and it was too heavy for me.

I sucked in a breath, feeling my chest quiver with the sob that wanted to be free. I wanted to throw a tantrum and sob and scream and cry. It wasn't fair. Sure, life wasn't fair, but I felt like I'd gotten my fair share of shit lately. I deserved this one break. I deserved to not have an aunt who was ready to kill me.

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