Trail of Tears

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I walked the halls I dreaded the most, glad this was my last year. Lucas and I had minimal contact or even conversation, alone or otherwise. The locker door next to mine shut loudly, reminding me where I have to be for the next eight months. "Hey beautiful." I smiled, feeling his arms wrap around my waist. "Hey." He let go and positioned himself next to my locker. "Hey, whats wrong?" Bradley placed his hand gently under my chin, angling it up so I looked him in the eye.

"Without talking to Lucas I feel like I lost my best friend." He made an understanding sigh. "You still have Riley, Farkle, and me!" He tried to make me feel better but it wasn't working so well. "It's not the same." I could tell he was annoyed and I can't blame him. "I know you don't want to hear this, but you could just have a civil conversation with him."

"Thats not exactly how we communicate. How about we not talk about Lucas for a while." I grabbed my history textbook and shut my locker. We started walking to the class I hated being in. Bradley didn't have the same class with me because of late admissions. "I really wish you were in class with me." I whispered and gave him a kiss before going inside.

"Trail of Tears. In 1830 president Jackson wanted to remove all Native Americans from their land. Even though the Cherokee Indians were native to the land, and America was just getting stared." I made a "huh" sound causing the students around me to stare. "Sounds like someone we know." I whispered loudly enough for Lucas to hear. "What happened to the Native Indians?" Lucas asked to Matthews.

"Thousands died. Not many survived, but the ones that did were supposed to be the starting point for the new culture."

"How did that help America?" I asked, shocking the students. "It didn't." I made the same "huh" sound as before. "The Americans believed they deserved the land, because they believed the Indians were trespassing on their land. When in reality, Americans and Indians were living their separate lives peacefully." I turned in my seat glaring and Lucas but not saying anything. "Eventually they came to an understanding, but it took quite a long time. Both sides had to be forgiving." Riley and Farkle made the "huh" sound as I had done earlier.

I met with Bradley after school at our usual place, my house. We were watching TV when he pulled his arm from around me. "Hey weirdo now I'm cold." I joked with him. "Maya I think we need to breakup." He had a complete serious face. "What?" It came out as a slight laugh. "You and Lucas clearly still have feelings for each other. I tried to ignore it, but when he avoids seeing us together, and you never looking him in the eye was generally a sign. Call Lucas." He stood up.

"Brad wait!" He closed the door behind him, creating a thud. I collapsed on the couch, letting out a sigh of defeat. I walked to the freezer and pulled out my favorite kind of ice cream, Cookie Dough. I walked back to the couch, wanting to cry but not actually crying. My mind wandered to all the moments where Lucas would have saw Bradley and me together.

I wasn't as upset as I expected, and really I couldn't blame Bradley. But he was right, I needed to get over whatever Lucas and I were fighting about. I didn't necessarily want to call him, considering I wasn't sure how to apologize to him but I took a leap of faith.

I sat in my bed with crossed legs and a bottle of water. I stared in the screen, everything else around it black. My fingers followed the path to find his phone number. I hesitated before hitting call.

"Hey Lucas." I heard him inhale before saying anything back. "Its good to hear your voice." I leaned against the wall, smiling. "You make it sound like you're off at war or something." I laughed a little, then sniffled. "Are you crying?" I could tell his voice became steadier, but I could still hear the worry. "I'm sorry, for that thing that happened last month. I think I was angry at my mom for taking off and was thrown a bit from finding out you had a girlfriend." I stared at the window, taking in the beauty of the stars and the moon.

"Thats how I felt when I found out you had a boyfriend." I smiled and wiped away a falling tear. "Ex-boyfriend, again." I uncrossed my legs, stretching them out and wiggling my toes. "Oh Maya, I'm sorry. You want me to come over?" I heard him sigh slightly. "I don't think that would be best for me right now, but can we keep talking?" I got up and sat down on the chair in front of my window. "Always. So whats up?"

We talked for the next three hours until I finally told him we should go to bed. I set down my phone and climbed out the window. I unfolded the lawn chair I kept outside and sat down, staring up at the moon. Little did I know Lucas was looking at the same floating orb.


"Thats great Lucas! I think we should hang up though, its past midnight and I'm sure were both tired." I agreed and hung up the phone. I placed my phone on my chest and held my hand there, my opposite hand underneath my head. I laid angled on my bed, the comforter covering half my left leg. I looked out the large window to my right, starring up at the moon.

(a/n) You guys, were so close to the end, like four or five chapters. You're all gonna wanna kill me but I think I'll take that chance.

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