????? Pov
"Ahhhh morning, the sun is shining the birds are singing and........."There was a sudden knock at the door causing me to loose my train of thought
"Come in!" I say and the door swings open.
"Oh it's only you"
"Awe, that's no way to treat your old friend" he snickered
"Your not a friend, I only have two and you made me leave them" I snap
"I didn't make you do anything, you chose this life, sweetheart" he said in my ear as he stood behind me,
His cold hearted tone caused shivers down my spine. I pull out a dagger and point it in his stomach.
"Don't even think about it" I warned him sternly and he backed away surrendering
"Ok calm down, no need to get all feisty" he said dropping his dagger from him hand
"I was just testing your still aware of your surroundings" he continued
"Always" I reply with a sassy tone
He chuckled and walked out the door
"Oh and one more thing, don't get caught" he said poking his head back in the door
I turn to him and nod. He exists my room. I look back at the mirror and sigh. I'm doing this for them, Anti has to go.
Anti's Pov
We all woke up and did our morning routine. We all sat in the lounge room and I brought up the screen with my essence."So this figure who we are assuming has maroon eyes" Mini began to say
"That's it?" I say interrupting Mini then glare at Venturian cowering in the corner
Everyone nods even Venturian which I rolled my eyes at.
"Ok then, so Demon?" Mini asked
"No definitely not a demon they will let there presence be known" Dark says
"There are shadow Demons that hide in the shadows" Delirious informs
"True but the shadow demons never leave hell unless they are sent by the devil" Vanoss added
"And they will defiantly not break a window, and they don't have maroon eyes" I say
We all look at Mini for suggestions but he had a stumped look on his face.
"Stop staring at me" he snaps
"We aren't we just thought you wanted to add anything" I say
"Do I look like the kind of person to know about a demon when six of them are standing right in front of me?" He asked viciously
"Ah come on there is nothing wrong with hanging around humans, although they aren't much help in these kind of situations" Dark says putting an arm over his shoulder
"Well excuse me for not having a Demonic version" Mini snapped shoving Dark's arm off his shoulder
"No it's not your fault you should be lucky to just be you, honestly it's a pain to be half demon or even a full demon" Delirious says trying to cheer him up

Awaiting The Darkness
Fanfic"Well it been awhile and I have to say it's good to be back. Living the old life, it's been quiet since Warfstache is gone." *Crash* Anti sits up worried "What was that?" "You may have spoken too soon" Hi guys Jaxter here This is the sequel to "Da...