Chapter 3

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After training the next night, as everyone was getting ready for bed, I slipped out the door. Kathryn followed me.

We went down the street and toward the forest.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I spun around quickly. It was only Nathan. Gee, that boy gave me the creeps.

"On a walk," Kathryn told him.

Why does she have to be such a good liar? I wondered.

"Why now?" he asked.

"Because," I told him, trying it out myself, "The cool air is refreshing. Besides, we're training all day." I put emphasis on training.

He cocked an eyebrow, seemingly unconvinced. Then he walked away toward the forest.

I quickly grabbed Kathryn's arm and shadow-traveled to the clearing. Before Nathan could get there, I quickly helped Kathryn open the door and we hurried to the lift. We dropped and my stomach tingled. Finally we got to the bottom. I pulled Kathryn through a door and locked it behind me.

"Why are we back here again?" she asked me. "I never got to ask."

"Nina wanted to show me something and I'm determined to find out what it is," I told her.

"Okay," she said. "But isn't that a little dangerous?"

"Where's your sense of adventure?" I asked teasingly. "Are you scared?"

"No, I'm not scared," she told me. "I'll still do it."


Then I heard the lift coming down and I waited for the person to leave. I peeked out. Kathryn did the same. It was Nathan, as expected.

We waited for him to go into a room, then ran quickly and quietly past it down the hall. I heard someone walking toward us, but I wasn't scared. I could tell by the footfalls that this person had crutches.

Nina turned the corner and saw us. Without saying a word, she turned back around and led us down another way. Soon, we came to a large door. Nina pulled it open and we walked in. Sitting in a chair and observing a piece of paper was the man who had been talking to Nina the other night.

Nina cleared her throat. The man turned.

"Ah," he said, a bright smile on his face. He scarily looked like a forty-year-old version of Nathan. "You're here!"

"Wait," Kathryn asked, "Do we know you?"

"Probably not," he replied.

"Do you know us?" I asked.

"Generally. I've never met you before but I know who you are."

"Who are we then?" Kathryn asked.

"Why you're Charlotte," he said pointing to me, "and you're Kathryn." He pointed at Kathryn.

"How do you know our names?" I asked. "Did Nina tell you?"

"Ohoho no. I knew you before you were born." He smiled.

"How?" Kathryn asked.

"How?" he repeated. "Because I am Ronnie."

"Wait," I said, after recovering from momentary shock. "Even if you are Ronnie, how do you know us? We're from different islands."

"You'll learn soon enough," he told us. "As for now...."

"What are you doing here?"

"Now now, Nathan," said Ronnie with a tsk. "You're interrupting."

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