Dan, 10 years old
We have a new insult being thrown at us at school. People keep calling us gay. I don't know what that means, but it's probably negative because of the way they say it.
"Mum, what does gay mean?" I ask. She stops cutting onions for a moment.
"Gay means when a boy likes another boy." She says.
"Oh. Like me and Phil? We like eachother 'cause we're best friends." I say."No sweetie, gay means when a boy likes another boy like they want to kiss and get married." She says.
"Is that a good or bad thing, cause me and Phil get called gay at school a lot." I say."No sweetie, it's not a bad thing. You should be able to love who you love, it shouldn't matter what their gender is. Those kids who call you gay think it's an insult, but that insult doesn't even make sense." She says.
"Okay." I say. A boy liking another boy? That is strange. Aren't boys just friends, just like girls are just friends? Do girls like other girls?
I agree with mum though. Even though I don't really get it, people should just do what makes them happy.

best friend//phan
Fanfic[COMPLETED] five year old dan howell wants a best friend. Also five year old phil lester just moved in next door. ~ in this fic they age one year with each chapter, starting at five. please give this a try, it is so so sweet and pure and i actuall...