I am scared of the dark
The deep black abyss
Because into it I always fall
And am never missed
Clouds follow me
Or do i follow them?
They are always there
Like the elephant in the room
The one that people don’t discuss
“It’s too awkward,” they say
“So, why make a fuss?”
I was one of them too
Ignorant of others pain
Only feeling my own
Always others to blame
I hate who I was
I hate who I am
This fog will not leave me
I am not even sure it can
But some days
Some days, the sun comes out
It could come from a smile
It can come from a word
But those days are sparse
Like rain in the desert
Positivity amongst negativity
Rare like a jewel
Precious like silver
Coveted by none
Or is it coveted by only one?
I thrive off those drops of water
But my thirst is never parched
My lips are dry
From the lies that are spoken
And those that are received
I love encouragement
But I only get deceived.
So, moral of the story: be encouraging.