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You had been in a relationship with Yoongi for a solid three months now and you guys haven't kissed. Actually whenever one of you tries to make a move you two always end up being caught by one of Yoongi's friend.

You laid down on your bed with a wide smile plastered on your face as you felt your phone vibrated.

You turned to your right where the small table was located and on top of that was where your phone lies. You reached out for it and then giggled when Suga's face popped out on the screen once you opened it. You tapped the envelope shaped icon then Yoongi's message was no visible.

'Hi Baby~ Wait for your Darling to be there at midnight, okay? Take care.'

You felt your heart thumped. You typed a simple okay with a heart emoticon then sent it to him. After that, you rolled onto the other side of the bed and soon enough you dozed off to dreamland.


You were busy circulating the spacious living room of your apartment while waiting for Suga to visit.

You checked your phone for a bazillion times already and still no replies from Yoongi. You were starting to get nervous and worried as the clock stroke at one. You stopped on phasing around like mad and stared at  the clock beside your huge tv in front of the sofa.

A sigh of relieved then escaped your mouth as you heard an audible knock from the door. You rushed towards it then opened it as soon as you got a grip of the handle. A drunk Yoongi who were swaying sideways surprised you.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO DR-" You got cut mid sentence as Yoongi swung himself towards you then wrapped his arms around your torso which made you take a step back due to his weight. "EW! YOU SMELL LIKE-" You got cut once again because you felt Suga's hot breath swept against your right ear.

"If you yell once again. I'll kiss you." He laughed as he pushed you towards the couch with your eyebrows knitted. You suddenly felt your heart quickened its phase when Yoongi pushed you laying down on the sofa.

"Your drunk," you commented as you placed your hand on your chest.

You suddenly let out a squeal as Suga leaned himself forward to yours with his eyes locke on yours. 'Suga is damn scary. This is why I don't want him drinking, He is scaring the shit out of me'

Suga placed his left hand on the coach's headboard as his face gets closer to yours. You bit your lip at the same time as you closed your eyes, you felt your face starting to burn. 'There is seriously something wrong in his eyes! I hate it!' You thought.

You felt Suga's hot breath brushed against your lips. You were actually expecting to get a kiss from him but then you felt his weight on top of yours instead of feeling his soft pink lips. You sprang your eyes open as you saw Yoongi's head placed near your neck and you felt as if you were being tickled because of Suga's breathing.

You poked his cheek continuously, "Get up! You smell so bad and at the same time your heavy." You complained.

He giggled as he raised his head to look at you, "you were expecting me to kiss you right? HAHAHAHAAHA!" He laughed, his wrinkled eye smile popping out as his hand placed on the headboard slid down to your cheek then he started rubbing it in circles.

"Your drunk. alright? You're just imagining things. Now get the hell off of me." You punched his chest lightly as he kept giggling and rubbing your cheek at the same time.

"Come on! We haven't kiss ever since we got together! Now, I'm even way more curious about what your lips taste like." His stare went down on your lips as you squinted your eyes at him.

"Your ridiculous," His stare went up to your face again. 'That eyes! The way he stares at me is making my heart ache! GOODNESS GRACIOUS!' You thought as you felt your face burn for the second time.

"Stop joking. I know you want to taste this lips of mine as well." He joked as he continued rubbing your cheek relentlessly. "Your cheek are so red. Are you drunk too?"

"You know what? I have enough---" You got taken a back when Suga's lips almost touched yours. His move made you push him off of the sofa and on top of you as well.

You heard him groan in pain as he sat himself up on the carpeted floor, "ha! That's what you get! You perv!"

"What do you mean perv? Last time we met you tried to kiss me. You even made a duck face that time! HAHAHAHA!" He joked. He seriously enjoyed fooling around with you especially whenever he remembered scenes like that.

You sat down on the couch as the text he sent rushed in your mind. You turned your head at him then glared which made him halt his laughter, "is this the reason why you made me wait for you?" He nodded innocently as he did the indian sit.

"I missed you, that's why..." Silenced then enveloped the surroundings because you kept on saying on how cute he was sitting there like a small chuchu in your thoughts, "I'm getting sleepy, now can I get my goodnight kiss?" He pouted childishly while blinking his eyes several times.

And since you can't control yourself anymore you sat down on the couch and leaned in forward to him then pinched his cheeks. "goodnight"

You stood up from the sofa and took a step forward but you suddenly felt Suga trailing behind you. You swirled around to face Suga with both your eyebrows raised.

"Oh! I just thought that it would be very nice sleeping inside your room." Your eyes bulged out at his statement.

"My room is messier than you think!"

"I don't care! If I can't sleep on the floor because of the mess you said then sleeping beside you is my choice." He excitedly pulled you towards your room with a grin on his face.

You felt your face heated up again, its as if all your blood were rushing its way towards your face especially the moment Yoongi lied down then pulled you with him on the bed. Right at that moment all you were hearing was heart beating loudly, you hoped that Yoongi would not hear it because he would just make fun of you the next day.

Yoongi turned you around to face him and you can't help but to smile from ear to ear as soon as Suga's angelic face while his eyes closed welcomed you.

You shut your eyes then moved closer to him, making your foreheads touch.

A moment of silence came. You thought that Yoongi was already asleep but then a soft, thin lips landed onto yours. You opened your eyes and it almost hurt your eyes since Yoongi's face was way TOO CLOSE TO YOURS.

You pushed him by surprise. 'OHMAYGHAD! HE DID NOT!' You thought.

Yoongi suddenly burst into laughter, "that was fun! I want more!"

"EW! Pull yourself together! Or else I'll report you to a police!" You licked your bottom lip by accident and it tasted like alcohol Yoongi drank, "You need beating! I can taste that alcohol!"

Yoongi didn't react and just placed his left arm onto your waist to pull you even more closer to him, "Goodnight then."

Yoongi smirked which gave you chills on your spine, "Ew, creepy."


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