HOSEOK "Cure pt. 2"

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Ever since that moment you have met Namjoon and Hoseok, you had stick to them the whole day. Except when there's classes because the three of you have different options. But, one thing confused you though..

They always say that if you're one of the people to be born with depression then you won't be able to feel a single affection or a single happiness. Though, you spent the whole day either laughing around with the two guys or smiling while reminiscing some jokes Hoseok told.

Confusing isn't it?

Well, you were not the only one confused though. Even the people around you who knew that you were born with depression have their eyebrows knitted together whenever you pass by with a wide grin. And this issue passed out to everyone at a speed of lightning.

Before that day could even end Hoseok caught you by the arm then pulled you with him as he walk.

"You need to meet them!" he exclaimed happily.

"Wait, who am I meeting?" you questioned.

"The best people on earth," he laughed.

"But, your already the best person to me."

Hoseok halted into a stop, abruptly.

He turned around to face you with a straight look, "don't flatter me."

You chuckled at his statement, "I'm not flattering anyone! Come on! I'm just stating the truth! Do I look like someone who would kid around?"

Hoseok nodded his head, "yeah! When I saw you spacing out this morning, you looked like your carrying the whole world because of how depressing your face gives. And that made me want to talk to you, comfort you, make you happy and stuff. I don't know this feeling but.. Yeah. But but! But now.. I noticed that you've been beaming the whole day! And I'm glad!" he clinged onto your arm as he said the 'i'm glad' part.

You, on the other hand has some mixed feelings going on. First you felt really appreciated, second you felt delighted because of the part where Hoseok mentioned about the urges he felt when he saw you, third was when he said that he's also happy just by seeing you happy and the last reason why you have mixed feelings was when Hoseok clinged onto your arm.

By that, your depression thing reminded you to tell him about your case.

At first you didn't want to say it because if he heard your case, worst scenarios might come after. Others tried telling other people that they have it then after that.. Those people whom they talked to about their case, started to avoid them.

That reason scared you. Even if Hoseok and You just became friends this morning. But, that doesn't change the fact that you already grew fond of Hoseok.

With all those reasons, you sighed which caught Hoseok's attention. The aura changed from light to dark because of your sudden change of expression.

"You know what Hoseok? Let me tell you the truth. Promise me you won't leave me even if I say this to you."

Hoseok's dimple smile faded and the moment his happy expression lessened, fear overcame your system. And, you can't help but to remove Hoseok's arm away from yours because your chest started to ache.

"Nevermind," you half-whispered.

Hoseok got alarm the moment you uttered that. Especially, when you swiveled around making your back face Hoseok.

He bit his lips as he tried to understand your actions and by the time he thought about the sheet they have read in third grade (the sheet that says all about the two different people) his eyes widened. He too knew that if a person is born depress he or she is impossible to feel anything except being depressed.

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