Chapter 1 [Hospital]

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"Come on.."









"Sir. The driver is dead. Oh! There's a child in the back!"

   "Sir! She/He has a pulse, get an ambulance!!"









"Breathe.. Just Breathe... child.."




"Come... on.."

"Wake up sis/bro.."

"..." Your eyes opens slowly as you looked around. You were in a hospital bed and wires were all over your arms and some on your legs. There was bandages everywhere and there was blood stains on them, soaking the wound. You sighed as the room was dim. You were feeling utter pain all over and you decide to rest..

You woke up once again. This time, it felt like you were just laying there and you only had a second of sleep. "Come on! Let me in! She/he is my sister/brother!" A voice yelled out from the room. You tried to speak but a crack of a weak tone came out making you in pain once more. Suddenly the door slammed open to see Frisk. "Oh my god.. (Y/N)!" They yelled out with a gasp. They ran to you but was suddenly stopped by magic. "They are to rest, human." A monster came out as you felt shivers down your spine. "You're awake, child. I am W.D. Gaster." They introduced. (Though, Gaster is not even in NaJ but just imagine he works in the hospital but not in the school) "Yeah, Can I bring her/him home?" Frisk asked.

Gaster shook his head. "I am sorry but no. They are to rest until her/his injuries are fully healed." Frisk groaned a bit since they didn't like to be waiting that much. "How long?" "Hmm... it only depends on how they take care of themselves for now on... Maybe a month, or two." Gaster replied. "What?! I was waiting for a month and I already lost my mother! I can't live alone till she/he come home!" Frisk argued. Gaster sighed. "You are to follow the rules, do you want (Y/N) to suffer or not?" Frisk muttered something under their breathe and sighed in defeat. "Fine.." Gaster grinned. "Good, now come along now. I must give (Y/N) their medication." Gaster said as he leaded Frisk away.

You couldn't believe it. You just watched the whole argument. You tried to speak before Gaster comes back. "H...i....." You managed to speak a bit. "" You called out slightly. "Ga-- *Cough, Cough*" You hacked out your dry throat in pain. You wheezed a bit as the door opened. "God, you seem a bit eggar to get up." Gaster said as he walked over with a glass of water and he used his magic to carry a medal tray of a syringe. You quickly took the glass of water as you chugged the liquid quickly. You sighed as you placed the empty glass to the small table as you faced Gaster. "Can you talk?" Gaster asked as he grabbed a cotton ball with a small medication as he wiped it on your left shoulder. You shrugged your shoulders a bit, wanting to tell him you can, but not well.

"Alright. You're lucky because you survived a bad accident." Gaster said as he plunged the needle in your shoulder as you cringed a bit. He removed the syringe as he sighed. "I'm sorry to tell you, but your mother didn't make it.." Your eyes widen as you felt tears shed slowly as Gaster stood up and walked towards the door. "I'll leave you alone, you should rest." And that, he closed the door, leaving you wondering. 'What happened?'

Frisk's POV
Gah! Gaster never lets me see (Y/N)! He said he'll let me accompany her/him when she/he wakes up. She/he woke up! Now Gaster's telling me to leave?? I know that I'm acting out of my league, but I can't help it! I walked around in circles, repeatedly until Gaster came out of (Y/n)'s room. I immediately walked up to him. "Can I see (Y/N)?" I asked, trying to act calm. "No, She's/He's resting." Gaster replied. I face palmed and groaned out in annoyance. "Look, If you don't let me see her/him tomorrow, I'm going to open the door anyways." I said as I walked away.

I left the hospital as I groaned out and stomped my foot on the ground. "God! Why is he so annoying?!" I yelled as Monsters looked at me. I sweat dropped and placed a hand on my neck and laughed a bit. "Sorry.." I apologized. The monsters continued their way as I walked home, sheepishly. I opened the door to our home as I locked the door and flopped on the couch with no hesitation. I covered my face with my hands and sighed. "God.. tomorrow's school.. Can't wait to get homework... yay.." I said lifelessly. Today was Sunday and it's been a month since the incident.

It was really sad the (Y/N) couldn't go to our mothers funeral. I sat up as I walked up the stairs to take a nap. Maybe walked to the park later. Guess that People can't really help it, I can't neither.. I can't control what I'm feeling.. It's only the way you act...

*Ring* I grabbed my phone as I answered the call without reading the ID. "Yes?" I called. 'Um.. hewo? Is dis Fwisk?" A voice asked. I knew who it was. The vice principal of UnderHigh. "Um, Yes. What's the matter?" "Mi and princible dog wantsd to say sowwy about de incident" I frowned. "Me know dat (Y/N) go to differant school, mi and princeble dog water if ya want (Y/N) go to dis school?" I smiled. "Sure! But
(Y/N) is not going to be back until a month." I heard a sad sigh. "That is okay! Temmie and pricwible dog will stwill sign her/him up! Yaya?" "Yeah!" The call ended as I sighed. "Guess I have a job to do.."

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