Chapter 3 [Going home]

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   2 Months later
   "Finally!" Frisk says as they groan at the same time. Frisk enters your room as he had your attention. "Come on, lets's go. You can finally leave the hospital." Frisk says as he smiles at the end. Unfortunately, your voice is still weak, but it's getting better very quickly.

   You ran out of the bed and hugged him tightly, trying to say that your happy to leave and finally see the outside. Frisk grinned, and he patted your head. "Let's go! When we get back home, I'll make you really happy, so that we finally have a family reuniting." Frisk said with excitement in his voice. You chuckled as you went on your tippy toes, and flicked his forehead.

  "Hey! What was that about?" Frisk asked as he rubbed the spot where you flicked him. "Just saying that you should calm yourself." You said. Frisk froze and slowly turned his head towards you. "What?" You questioned. "You talked!" Frisk yelled at you, and gripped onto your shoulders and shook you back and fourth.

  "Yeah... About Gaster saying that my voice was still healing, it was a lie from him." You said. Frisk squealed as he looked like he was fanboying, about finally hearing your voice for 2 months. "Come on, I got a surprise party for you at home, my friends are there too!" Frisk says as he suddenly started running. You were shorter than him by 5 inches and it was pretty hard for you to run.

   When you arrived back home, a flash of memories hit you like a flash. Then you remembered mom, shes dead. You begin to tear up but you hold it in as you see a few people in the house. "Welcome back, (Y/N)!" They all say. Despite they're happiness, you don't even know them. So it will be really awkward for you. "Hey, sweetie! Are you okay?" A goat woman walked up to you, holding a delicious pie. "I'm Toriel. I may be the nurse at their high school. But I thought I could join in and make you happy since your going to be a new student." She says.

  You smile. You knew she was nice and you had a nice vibe from her. "Im (Y/n)." You introduce. "A beautiful name for a child like you!" She compliments. You blush a bit and smile. "Anyways, Lets party!!" A boy says with no arms. They were mostly yellow and a small hint of orange. Suddenly, he starts to play really loud music as everyone Started to dance, except for you and Toriel. Oh boy, this is going to be long.

   They pastry has ended as you looked at the time, 5:00 A.M.... "Oh boy." You say as you look at everyone who was asleep on the floor, and some on the couch. They passed out because they were very hyper all over the place and you managed to sleep through it all. You checked the date. It was Monday. They had to go to school. And they had to wake up at 6:00 A.M. For it. 'Such idiots', you say as you yawned after wards. You made some pancakes and ate them yourselves and left 2 for Frisk.

   Then you noticed it was 6:00 A.M. You decided to wake them up as you stand in the middle of the middle room, and yelled, "WAKE UP, GET UP, GET OUT THERE!" Everyone was startled and some kids on the couch fell off from your sudden out burst. You laughed as you ran upstairs to get ready, it was your fist day too, after all. You took a shower and placed some clean cloths. 'At least I don't have to wear hospital gowns anymore' You thought as you ran down stairs while brushing your hair.

  You realized that everyone left, and Frisk was in his room taking a shower. You sighed as you were excited, yet nervous to go to your new school. Besides, you haven't attended one in 2 months. 'I wonder if I still remember some things I need to know in High school..' You say as Frisk was running Down the stairs, until he fell and rolled Down the rest of the stairs. He was groaning in pain as you were laughing your ass off.

  "This is not funny!" Frisk growled as he got up. "Yeah, Yeah-" You interrupted your self and started to laugh again. When you calmed down, Frisk was about to leave as you followed his tail. He was walking towards a bus as you were really happy that you can attend to a school again. 'Hopefully, I won't get bullied.' You thought as you entered the bus with Frisk along. When you took your seat you were by the window, as the bus was driving to your new school. "Wow, I'm really excited!" You squeezed as you realized someone was staring at you the whole time.

  Yu tried to ignore his gaze, but it felt like the stare was burning into you. You turn towards him again as you decided to speak up. "Um... Hi, what's your name...?" You asked. "Oh! Im Palette!" He introduced. 'Palette' You say in your mind. "Nice to meet you, Im (Y/n)." You say as you smiled at him. You thought he was a ball of sunshine as he you and him was talking about yourselves to know each other better.

   The bus came to a stop as kids exited the bus. You and Frisk finally exited out the place as you were tagged along with Palette. "Can I come?!" He asked. "Im sorry Palette, but we need to go the office because we need to get (Y/N)'s schedule, okay?" Frisk said, as Palette nodded. "Okay, I'll see you guys around!" He says as runs off towards, to god knows where.

   Once you have gotten you attendance, Frisk had to go to his class, he really wanted to help you find your classes, but he might get a tarty again. You were a little lost until you found students in their lockers. You decided to ask one for the directions for Art. "Um... Excuse me." You say, getting his attention. "What?" He replied. "Do you know where the art class is-" you suddenly stop as you read his jersey.



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