PG#9: The Bard and The Prince

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The princes are 10 years old.

Prince Eredêo's P.O.V

"You're going to the neighboring kingdom today."

"What? Why, father?"

"You have to escort your brother to attend a royal conference."'s for him again..

"When do we leave, father?"


"Very well. Then I shall be preparing. Please excuse me."

I exited the throne room with thoughts of jealousy.

It's for brother again.. why? Why is that? Why does he get to be king while I'm stuck being a prince? Why does he get all of father and mother's love...?

"Eredêo!" A voice called from a distance.

I look to my left and saw my twin brother, Arijo.

I smiled at him.

"What is it, Ari?" I asked.

"Aren't you excited? We'll finally be somewhere else aside from the palace grounds! Maybe there will be cute princesses!" He said with a bright smile.

"Ahahaha yeah.. I look forward to it too."

"Come, let's board our ship and head to Equestria!"

Arijo suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me out.

"But Ari, my things!"

"Let the maids do that!"

We stopped in front of the palace gates.

"Open the gates for Crown Prince Arijo and Prince Eredêo!"

... It's like that again... They respect him better than they respect me. Crown prince? Don't make me laugh. Arijo is a scaredy cat and he stills sleeps with me when there's rain and lightning.

"This way, your majesties."

We boarded the ship and headed for Equestria.

As my father said, there was a royal conference so there are a lot of princes and princesses arriving from different lands.

We arrived at the royal palace and was warmly welcomed by the royal family.

Only the royals that were to be the ruler of their land were allowed to be in the discussion room. Henceforth, I am stuck outside.

I wandered around the beautiful palace and saw a girl who caught my eye. She held a Gana (ukelele) in her hands.

I gazed at her as she played an upbeat song. But the song ended early as one of the Gana's string broke and cut her face.

I ran to her.

"Are you okay?! Y-you're bleeding!"

"Huh..? Who are you?" The girl looked at me, not even caring for her face.

"Does that even matter when your face has dripping blood?!" I shouted.

I quickly grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket and wiped her face.

"Does it hurt..?" I asked her.

"Just a little. But seriously, who are you?"

"Oh, um I'm-"

Crap! I can't tell my real name.

From a distance, I saw one of my guards passing by.

What was his name again? Fredrick Fasinto? Edward Elric? Edgar Fedin? Or is it Desmond Funin? Uh.. Almond Forin? Oh wait I remember now! It's Asfeld Foyin!

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