Messenger of Love Part 3

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In Dimension Discordia...

Derplyn is trapped in this dimesion and tied to Discord's chains.

"What are planning to do with my sister, Discord!?" Derplyn angrily shouted.

"Oh, nothing boring. Just wait and see..." Discord smirked.

"You, bastard..."


"Discord? Discord, are you here?!" Hokori/Feather Chill shouted.

"W H A T  I S  I T,  D E A R E S T  H O K O R I ?" Discord suddenly appeared on a tree's branch.

"They're at the courtyard. I got them all to wait for me there." I looked down in guilt.

"Splendid work, Hokori! You chose the right decision." Discord patted Hokori's head.

He then vanishes.

Feather Chill(?)'s P.O.V

Did I really do the right thing?



"Why are you out here? Melody's looking for you, you know?" Emerald asked.

"Oh it's nothing.. I just wanted fresh air."

"Well you should go back in. You might catch a cold. I'm going first, kay?" Emerald said before leaving.



"What is taking Chill so looong? I've got a game tomorrow. I need sleep." Rainbow Dash whined.

"And I need my beauty sleep!" Rarity said while touching her face.

"I haven't fed *Carrot yet.." Fluttershy mumbled.

*Carrot- Ponyville Dorm's cat

"Guys, let's just wait a little-"

A strong wind interrupted Twilight's sentence.


The mane six stared at the familiar man before them.

"Did ya miss me?"


"How sweet of you to just go along with my plans!"

"What plans?" AJ asked.


Discord snapped his fingers and chains came from the ground and restrained the six girls.

"What is this?!"

"Let us go, Discord!"

"Give it up."

"Give what up?" Rainbow asked.

"The elements. You can't win against me anyway."

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