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"No! Ugh. Go away Fatman."

I yelled at the big guy crossing the street in GTA. No, not in real life. I'm physically not productive enough to even step out of my bedroom. Let alone go to the outside world.


My mother called from downstairs. I laid down on my bed in annoyance and irritation. Why is she home when I need some time to myself and she's never here when I actually need her.



I almost wanted to cry. Its that same feeling when you're enjoying some alone time and someone calls your name 10 times and it just makes you want to cry because you dont like being disrupted.

I left my room to go downstairs, only to find Hoseok drinking tea in my kitchen.



I greeted while the controller is still stuck in my hand.

"Hyung, we have a project to finish remember?"

"No, I don't remember."

I grabbed a banana from the table and started to peel it. I handed half of it to him.

"Stop procrastinating. Let's buy the things we need."

"Hoseok, you know you didn't have to pick me as a partner right? You could've worked with someone smart."

Hoseok only scoffed.

"There's a reason why I picked you."

"Yeah? What's that?"

I noticed my tone got too rude and ignorant.

"Yoongi! Be nice."

My mom smacked my shoulder.

"Yeah sorry."

I apologized.

"Just come hyung. Hurry hurry hurry hurry."

Hoseok was pushing me the whole way to my room. He took my jacket and slid it on me while continuing to chant.

"OK, Hoseok calm down."

"You're so boring~."

He whined in a cute voice, i held back my smile. Then he pouted. His bottom lip stuck out more than his upper. I fought myself, i fought the urge of craving his lips on mine.

"Yeah yeah, let's go."


"Let's use a tri-fold instead of a poster."

Hoseok suggested while lifting the tri-fold in his left and lowering the poster in the other hand.

"Sure, whatever works for you."

"Hyung~ stop being so blluunt~"

He whined again. I really didn't notice my sudden mood swings.

"Oh sorry, I gotta control my tone."

"Anyway, we're all done. Let's go to your house and finish."


"No, glue this there. And here. That goes there. And leave that there."

Hoseok instructed. After 2 hours of working we've finally completed our masterpiece.

Out of nowhere Hoseok starts to laugh and point at me.

"You- you go-got some glitter under your nose. Glitter mustache."

"What the- this was you! You said it was glue."

 hope + yoonseok [rewrite] Where stories live. Discover now