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"Hold this."

Hoseok's hand was curled into a fist. I stuck my palm out and just when I thought he had something, he intertwined his hands within mine.

"Okay, gotta admit that was cheesy."

"I know right. Im good at this dating thing."

Hoseok was showing off. I giggled.

"Where are you taking me?"

I finally asked as we took a stroll to nowhere.

"The beach. I prepared a picnic for us."

Hoseok's eyes lightened as he mentioned his plan. I smiled very widely imagining the things he had in store for me.


"Isn't it beautiful?" Hoseok pointed to the ocean.

I nodded and teared up a little. A few feet away, was where our picnic was placed.

"Here. Sit."

Hoseok patted the spot he wanted me to sit on and he sat beside me. He showed the food he prepared and laid them out neatly.

"Hoseok, you're cute."

"Not as cute as hyungie."

"Oh my god, dont say things like that. It makes me flutter."

I felt myself blush and Hoseok shot me with his loving smile. Hoseok shifted himself and laid down with his head on my lap. He took my hand and placed it on his head, wanting me to play with his hair. I did what he wanted.

"I hope we stay like this forever."

I mumbled. Hoseok's eyes were closed but he slightly curved his lips upward.

"We will. I promise."

I felt him get off and land a soft kiss on my lips. Once again, my little heart started to beat uncontrollably.

He broke the kiss but continued to peck my cheeks, nose, forehead, while he whispers cheesy lines in between.

"Why are you so clingy today?"

I asked.

"Clingy? Do I hear complaining?"

"No Im not complaining."

We both laughed. The refreshing breeze made everything perfect. It felt like everything was pure and all kinds of sweet. From that day on, Hoseok never missed a day on saying 'I love you' into my ear.

"..... And that, my kids, was how I met your dad."


"So you met dad through social media?" One of their daughter asks.

"Basically yes darling." Yoongi confirmed.

"What about Jimin? What happened to him?" The other, 8 year old, girl wondered.

"I.. I honestly have no idea.."

"Why do you always tell us to not talk to strangers on social media but you met dad through it?? I mean I could find my boyfriend through the media too. You'll never know."

The 10 year old, eldest daughter crossed her arms.

"Do you want me to take your phone?" Yoongi warned.

"Ok ok im sorry, I love you."

"I love you too, princess."

The knock on the door sent the two girls jumping as they knew it would be Hoseok knocking during this time of day, getting off from work.

"Hey honey. How're the girls? Yoonji, Hoseon, were you giving Yoongi a hard time today?"

"No, he told us the story of how you two met on social media. It was boring."

The eldest spoke.

"Boring? it's the perfect love story out there. Anyway, go help daddy in the kitchen while I wash up." Hoseok kissed the two girls foreheads before leaving to wash up.


As a few hours passed, they left the girls to bed and kissed them goodnight on their foreheads. They returned to their room and Yoongi took his phone out.

"Hoseok, we're getting old."

"Darling, you'll always look young in my eyes."

"But look, I miss our accounts. hwimang and sugasvision."

"We were pretty great huh? Those pictures had the sweetest story behind them." Hoseok kissed the crown of Yoongi's head.

It had been years since they've opened their accounts. They grew out of it as time passed and although they leave it untouched, it will be the biggest part of their relationship.

Every now and then, they would scroll through the pictures in their early years. They'd laugh together and read each comment that they didn't get to see back then.

Yoongi came across one of his post with the caption.

I hope I end up with you @/hwimang

Yoongi smiled and his heart raced, what he hoped for came true.

"Hoseok, I hope we'll grow old together."

"We will Honey. I love you."

"I love you too."



I'll try my best to update on thirteen lives I'll try. lol.

Thank you for supporting this story even though iT WAS A MESS!?

honestly, i dont plan out my stories I just wing it like most writers.

Sry for any mess. well sry for this whole book since its a huge mess.

but i mean, i started this a month ago and to see it grow so fast really overwhelmed me,


Until next time

- horseokie out -

 hope + yoonseok [rewrite] Where stories live. Discover now