reason to stay [AU] (part 1)

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Okay so this one shot was originally going to be a sequel to There's a Reason We Belong but the timeline didn't make any sense and I had a bit of trouble making it into the book so I've decided to make a four-part one shot.

There's some references to There's a Reason We Belong's storyline in this. But because this is an AU, I changed it so that James and Riley never dated.

You do not have to read TRWB in order to read this.

I would consider making it into a separate book but it depends if I wanted to extend this one shot story or not. Hope you enjoy!


"James can you pass me that folder?" Riley asks

I reach over the desk and pass her the pile of paperwork, "It seems you'll be busy tonight," I chuckle

"Yeah and it doesn't help that I have a date with Alfie tonight," She sighs and plops down on the desk chair.

I look away at the mention of his name but look up again so that Riley doesn't suspect anything. We've been best friends since we were little but when we grew up, I started realising that I loved her more than that.

I've been waiting for so long to tell her how I feel but I realised that Riley couldn't wait for me.

She moved on to someone else, a boy named Alfie who she met when we were in high school. I always avoided talking to him or even getting to know him.

If we talked, it was only about Riley and we would get into a heated conversation about her.

Alfie knew that I loved her but he told me that she will decide for herself when the time comes.

When I was sixteen, my friend's father bought a dance studio called The Next Step and he gave it to me to own when I turned eighteen, which was last year.

Riley and I danced at this studio when we were younger and since Miss Kate, the former studio head, retired. We both took the opportunity to run it together.

"Let me do it for you," I say

"You'd do that for me?" She asks smiling

I nod, "Of course, it's the least I can do for everything you've done for this studio,"

Riley hugs me tightly and I hug her back, I wish I could never let her go but that's not how things are.

I take the folder from her and sit opposite her on the desk, pulling out the first sheet of paper.

I scan my eyes over the words before my brain starts hurting and I slam it into the table.

"I don't understand what it's saying," I say

Riley comes over to me and hits me on the shoulder, "You're an idiot,"

I rub my shoulder in fake hurt, "I'll get Chloe to do these and I'll take her classes for her,"

Riley nods, "Seriously James, thank you,"

"Don't even worry about it," I sigh and she gets up, grabbing her car keys.

"Don't interrupt Hunter's hip hop class again by showing off your dance moves to the students," She laughs, tucking her chair in.

I raise an eyebrow, "I was thinking more of interrupting Eldon's tap class,"

Riley points a finger at me jokingly, "Don't,"

"Okay, I promise," I get up to find Chloe, "Have a great time with Alfie," I say trying my hardest to put on a smile.

She nods and I head out the door of the office. I walk my way past the halls and find Chloe in the juice bar.

"Hey," I greet and order a coffee from the staff. It's going to be a long night for me.

"Why do you look so down?" Chloe asks curiously.

I look up at her in surprise, "Was I?" Maybe the thought of Riley and Alfie was on my mind, I clear my head and turn to her, "Riley's going on a date tonight so I offered to do the paperwork for her,"

Chloe smiles and I pay the staff for my coffee, "That's really sweet of you, James,"

I nod distractedly, "Yeah but the problem is that I don't know how to do them so could you please do it for me? I'll take your classes for tonight,"

Chloe nods, "I'll be happy to do them for you, just give me the folder and I'll have it done by tomorrow,"

I grab her shoulders and shake them happily, "Thank you!"

She smiles and I grab my coffee and leave the juice bar. I round the corner and enter Riley's office.

Only to see Alfie and Riley there.

They are holding each other in an embrace and I knock on the door slightly, knowing that I'm interrupting something.

Riley pulls away from Alfie's arms and looks at me in surprise, "James?"

"Sorry to bother you, I just needed to get the folder," I mutter and cross over to the desk, "Anyways, have a fun at your date. Bring me some leftovers if there's any food," I put on a fake smile and leave quickly.

I can tell that Riley really loves Alfie but I can't help but think that it should be me.

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