04 • Vacations and Surprises•

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Finally, the last day of school. The thing about Ashton high is that it started in January and ended in December. So we had a three month vacation for summer. Luckily, the teachers wouldn't give us much homework for our break. Although they shouldn't give any actually. I mean, it's called summer 'break' for a reason isn't it?

The leaves fluttered around me and a strong gust of wind blew past me as I walked towards the entrance of the school. It's been two weeks since my unfortunate trip to the mall and thankfully Ryan hasn't bothered me.

I enter the school and take a deep breath. Time to put on my armour and enter the dragons liar.

During lunch I searched for Stella, but I couldn't find her. I scrunched my eyebrows as I pulled out my weather beaten phone. I checked the last message she'd sent me, trying to convince myself that the words on the screen was real.

I'll gv u my 'Can you keep a Secret' bk tmrw! :)

C u then!

- S

Why would she send me such a message and then not appear the next day. Yes, she did like to skip school, but she never breaks her promises. Never.

I mulled over this the entire day, coming up with reasons why she wouldn't have come to school today.

By the time I got home, my mind was a mess. I was so confused. I had called her almost a hundred times. I had even searched for Ryan, something I'd never do. He was no where to be found.

I walked in and ran up to my room, contemplating. I threw by backpack onto my bed. I used my landline to call the Bank's residence.

After a few rings, someone picked up.

"Good Afternoon, this is the Banks residence." came a woman's voice.

"Hello, this is Hillary. Is Stella there?" I asked, my voice low.

"Yes, she is."

I let out the breath I'd never known I was holding. "Can I speak to her please?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not. She's very sick and can't come to the phone." came the voice.

"B-But-" I started, but I was cut off. By the dial tone. I almost threw the phone down.

She was sick? But wouldn't she have told me then? I mean, we weren't best friends, but she would have told me if she wasn't going to come. I wouldn't have kept my hopes up about the book then.

I sighed. This was so frustrating. Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

I could go there. I could go there and see if she's okay.

No, no way. Then I'd have to face the devil himself.

No way am i going to the Banks, posh home. Hell would freeze over before I did that.

*Two Torturous hours Later*

I placed my hand on the door knob, about to open it. I took a deep breath, murmuring an 'I can do this' and opened the door.

And lo and behoId was Ryan Banks, his hand poised to knock.

"What are you doing here?" was the first thing that flew out of my mouth.

I immediately regretted it.

"I-I-" he stuttered. Then he shook his head. "Can I come in? Please?"

I took a moment to let my eyes address the situation. Although his clothes looked fresh, his face looked nothing but. He looked like he'd gone into some kind of a messed up roller coaster ride that wrecked his hair and made his face paler than Edward Cullen's. His bright grey eyes, were lifeless and stoic. He looked like he hadn't eaten or drunk anything the entire day.

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