Chap 17; Back to School

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Adrian's dream

I am Chat Noir on top of the highest building in Paris and taking in the view that never got old no matter how many times I look at it.

I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and I see Ladybug. I take her hand off my shoulder and kiss her knuckles.
"Hello My Lady." I say looking at her.

She looks amazing with the sunset behind her and the wind tossing her hair around gently.

She didn't do anything in response. She just stood there staring at me with a blank expression on her face.

"Hello?" I say waving my hand in front of her face and I was met with no reaction.

She held out her hand. "Hand over your miraculous."She said it in almost a robotic voice that sounded nothing like the ladybug I know.

I look at my ring and then back to Ladybug. But she was different. Instead of the cherry red and black suit it was a dark gray with blood red spots.

"Hand over your miraculous!" She said in the same robotic voice but louder.

I was speechless I was choking on my own thoughts. I couldn't see anything, every thing is a blur. I look at my lady and see a lone tear roll down her face.

Suddenly I was sitting up right on my bed panting. Sweat covering my back and masking my face.

I closed my eyes trying to get the traces of the dream to go away.

When I opened them again plagg was inches away from my face. His now purple eyes full of worry and concern.

"I'm okay just a bad dream." I say still slightly panting.

"You have to go back to school today." Plagg said his eyes still hinted with worry.

I put both hands through my hair. I completely forgot about school! I reach for my phone and turns out I'M 20 MINUETS LATE!

I jumped out of bed and leaped into my closet. "What should I wear? WHAT SHOULD I WEAR?!?!" I said panicking.

"Uhh how about the same thing you wear EVERY DAY?" Plagg says flying into the closet.

I shot him a glare but put on my regular pants, shirt, jacket, and shoes.

I comb my hair while speeding down the steps of my house and fly out the door. By the time I got into Ms. Bustier's class there was only 10 minutes left. I sit next to Nino and he nods at me as a silent hello.

I nod back and pay attention to what the teacher is saying.

Something about an essay for homework but I don't mind the homework, it's not like I had anything fun to do at my house. Besides anything was better than the homework Natalie used to give me when I was home schooled.

All of a sudden there was a huge explosion somewhere in the school.

I look out the window that's connected to the hallway and I see a woman in a purple spandex suit that has purple smoke coming out of it.

The woman herself had purple hair and stern, blue, evil eyes.

She also had what appeared to be a mole or a birth mark on her lower left cheek.

It was then that I relized that it was my Chemistry teacher, Ms. Mendeleive!

I wait till every one leaves and then hid under the table.

Plagg nods at me silently telling me that Hawk Moth is about to make me transform.

Right after that everything going goes black.


Marinette's POV

I run into the girls bathroom and shut a stall door.

"Hawk Moth is about to make you transform." Tikkie says once I lock the stall.

I heard the bathroom door open. Me and Tikkie share a weird look and I was about to open my stall door and tell whoever came in to run because there was danger but the purple substance devoured me before I could do anything.

Alya's POV

I run into the girls bathroom and go in a stall.

I was about to yell for my transformation but stop.

I hear a stall open and hear foot steps heading towards my direction. I start to breath heavier and Rocky put his tiny hand over my mouth as a signal to stop.

I nod and look below the stall to see if the feet would walk past me, but it didn't. I heard the bathroom door upen and close and it was quite.

Just in case I upen the stall I was in and look around the bathroom, once I'm sure no one else is in there I yell, "Rocky Tail out!" And I'm Volpina.

I run out of the bathroom to see that Jade is in a fighting position and on the other side of him is a woman in all purple, Chat Blanc, and Dark Bug.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Jade asked the woman.

"I am the destroyer!" She yelled in a sharp and cold voice. I gasp and relize that it's Ms. Mendeleive. Only one woman has a voice as cold as that.

"Students used chemicals in my classrom and weren't paying attention to what they were doing and destroyed it. Now I will destroy every part of Paris!" The destroyer yelled.

I run to Jade's side and get my flute out, ready to be used. "Look who decided to join us." Chat Blanc mocked.

Principle Damocles's POV

I hear am explosion on the other side of the school and run to my door and upen it slightly.

I see a woman in a purple body suit with purple smoke coming out of it.

I close and lock my door and run to my desk.

I pull the microphone that can be heard on the speakers close to me and press the button to turn it on.

I take a deep breath and try to sound calm.

"There is a disturbance in the school and teachers are to escort their students out side the school and students are to report to their homes." I push the button to turn it off and lean back in my chair.

I take a deep breath and stand up. I get my bags and upen the door again.

I see the two new heros talking to the three villians and quikly slip past them and out side, run to my car and drive home.

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