TattooShop x FlowerShop AU (Lapidot)

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TW: Abuse mention.

Peridot looked across the street, past the busy and crowded streets of brightly colored cars to the shop. Lapis, that was her name, right? Strange name by the way, but Peridot was named after a rock, too, so she couldn't really judge. But it sounded much better than Peridot.

Peridot ran a flower shop ever since she moved to Beach City. Her regulars were usually couples, and she loved to help them pick out flowers that would result in marriages, love, and happiness. She purposefully owned a flower shop to make sure that her family wouldn't visit because of their pollen allergies. The freedom here was as soothing as the ocean waves. At first, it was only her owning a shop, but as time passed more and more stores open and she met new people (not all of them were friends, Jasper, the owner of the gym was dangerous to say the least). Peridot didn't know why Lapis didn't catch her eye sooner.

She was slim, pretty, and had short hair that made her look like a boy. Her smooth, tan skin was decorated with tattoos of the ocean and flowers. She ran a tattoo parlor that always smelled like ink, sweat, and smoke. It was oddly calming to Peridot whenever a breeze would drift by and carry the scent over to her shop. The two shops were so different yet so alike at the same time.

Peridot's shop needed light entering at all times for the plants to stay healthy, but Lapis's store always seemed dark and intimidating like the bottom of the ocean. But both were beautiful and colorful. Their stores were both lively, Peridot's was always filled with blooming flowers and Lapis's was always filled with loud, drunk teenagers daring each other to get stupid tattoo designs on even stupider parts of their bodies.

It felt like different worlds, but they were both nice in some way. People came to Peridot's shop start a new life with someone or to give gifts. People went to Lapis's shop to get tattoos to remind them of the life they lived.

It was actually Lapis who made the first move in the fantasy relationship that Peridot had in her mind. Peridot's heart beat louder and louder as Lapis crossed the street, head held high and leather combat boots making loud and rhythmic pattern on the hot black street pavement. Peridot was actually surprised when the door clicked open, even though she watched Lapis watched right over to her store.

"Oh....Oh! Oh, hello! Hi, welcome to Peridot's Paradise!" Peridot shouted maybe a little too loud for it to be casual. Lapis looked her an amused look, and walked over to the front desk, heavy boots clicking against the tiled floor. The store itself was just tables, stools, and chairs with potted plants on them, bright blooming colors splashed all over the place. Lapis looked so out of place in her store, with her dark tank top, short navy blue shorts, and tattoos that crept up and down her body. Peridot couldn't help but stare at the patterns that had been inked onto her body.

"Hey. Just need a few flowers." Lapis said in a monotone voice.

"Can-Can I maybe help you?" Peridot was ready to jump over he desk just to stand next to Lapis.

"Sure, why not? You're a professional, after all." Peridot rushed over to Lapis's side. "I'm looking for something ugly."

"Ugly?" It was a strange request for a flower.

"Yeah, real ugly. Like "I might throw up if I look at this" type of flower. Do you have stuff like that?" Lapis was almost laughing at her own inside joke. Peridot had to think for a moment.

"Um...who's it for, may I ask?"

"My ex. Jasper. I hate her guts." Lapis answered, her voice slow and dangerous. Peridot shuddered. To think that Jasper even met Lapis, let alone dated. Peridot knew that Lapis was confident, but Jasper was just plain out dangerous.

"You dated her?" Peridot barely said in a voice smaller than a whisper. It was out of her mouth before she could think about it.

"Yeah. I left her for...obvious reasons. She is Jasper after all."

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that." Peridot winced at the thought of being in a relationship with Jasper. Abuse was the least worst thing that Peridot could imagine Jasper doing.

"Nah, I learned from it. I became my own person, opened my own shop, too." Lapis gently took a leaf in her hand. Peridot was surprised to see that Lapis could even be that gentle. Her arms were tattooed down to her wrists. The plant looks so delicate compared to her.

"So, an ugly plant?"

"The ugliest plant for the ugliest ex." Peridot snorted back a laugh.

"Yeah, I have something for that."

It only took a while for Peridot to find someone that was willing to sell her a birthwort plant. The plant had a veiny flower that was purple, but the flowers are well known for the smell of rotting meat. Lapis was ecstatic over the idea that Peridot had. They also bought fertilizer (also known as chicken poop) and replaced all the dirt in the pot with the poop, which made Peridot retch over and over.

"So how much do I have to pay for this atrocity?" Lapis asked, pointing to the plant that smelled like someone farted a little too hard.

"Oh, you're using it for a good cause. It's on me." Peridot said, shoving the potted plant towards Lapis, who laughed and pushed it away. The smell was really horrible. "But on just one condition."

"And what may that condition be?"

"Hide it in her shop. Somewhere where she can't find it." Lapis burst out laughing, strange for someone almost completely covered in tattoos to make such a happy sound.

"You're insane. Yeah, I'll do that for you." Lapis lifted the plant, grunting a little at the overwhelming scent of chicken poop and rotting meat. She opened the door with her foot, and turned around just to say one more thing.

"And maybe a second date soon, yeah?"

And left.

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