Chapter 5 (Part 2)

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1 hour
Now sitting on the ground and playing with grass
Thinking about that dream you couldn't get it out of your head. Something about it just real.
So many questions running through your head.
*who sent that bunny to warn me?.*
*is the dream right? Will I destroy everything in my path?.*
*am I going crazy? Its just a silly dream?.*
Then a thought popped into your head
The hyrule book you found in the library!
If there were any answer's they'd be in there and iif not then the dream was nothing!.
Standing up you began running as fast as you could looking for a way back into the castle.
Dark must have forgotten about you cause you couldn't find him anywhere.
Finally finding the door.
You turned the door knob hearing a loud click as it unlocked. You ran in or well you tried to turns out vaati was on the other side of the door.
You ran face first into him and fell backwards onto your butt. Yelling.
"Ow! Watch were you going didn't you hear the door unlock?"
To busy rubbing your soar butt you didn't notice who you had bumped into.
Hearing this person clear their throat trying to get your attention you looked up only to see vaati.
Your face heating up and your cheeks turning
pink/reddish you stood up as fast as you could and laughed nervously avoiding any eye contact with vaati. You felt him staring at you but didn't want to look.
"H-h-hey vaati...I didn't s-see you there. I thought you were someone else and-
Vaati stopped you and asked.
" (y/n) why aren't you inside? And where's dark I told him to watch you."
About to tell vaati what happened you heard a really loud "YESSSS!."
From a far distance.
Fixing to walk toward the noise you stopped in your track's when you saw dark running over to where you and vaati were.
Finally making it dark looked over to you holding a piece of paper in his hand and said as best he could trying to catch his breathe after running so much.
"I'm going on a date later next week...i-i had to w-write it down so i-i didn't forget."
Crossing your arms you asked.
"Have you been chasing after her all this time?...and also I care because?..."
Darks smile slowly turning into a frown he said.
"Yeah I did chase her. And I'm not telling you because I expect you to care I'm telling you because you almost ruined my chances with that ....whatever her name is...and I-
" you don't even know her name? Dark that's terrible!. "
Hearing a loud tapping noise you looked around to see where that noise was coming from.
Dark must've heard it to because he started looking around trying to find it also.
Looking over at an annoyed vaati he said in a calm voice. "Dark...why is (y/n) out here all by herself!?."
Darks face went pale and he looked over to you then back over to vaati then back to you trying to come up with a excuse.
Feeling bad you stepped in and said.
"I-i wasn't feeling good dark let me come outside to get some fresh air... We saw that girl dark chased and...he was going to ask if she had anything that might make me feel better... And I guess dark took a liking to her.. And now there a thing."
Vaati looked over at dark then you crossing his arms and not looking convinced.
He didn't believe you.
"Dark if this h-
Interrupting vaati you said
" hey! I've got an awesome idea! Let's to to the library there's a certain book I'm looking for and I think it might be in your library... "
"In our library."
Vaati corrected you.
"Oh yeah.. Hehe... I keep forgetting that were married..."
Changing the subject vaati asked you.
"Have you eaten anything my dear?."
Shaking your head no.
Vaati told you to follow him to the kitchen and you Guy's ate sandwiches and drank lemonade.
Taking a sip of his lemonade vaati put his glass down on the table and asked.
"So what book are you looking for (y/n)?."
Staring down at  drink wondering if you should tell him about your dream you sighed.
*sighs* "'ll think I'm crazy..."
Vaati smiled at you and said.
"I'd never think your crazy."
After about 10 min of staring at him while silence filled the air you broke the silence by telling him.
By the time you were done vaati stayed quite to quite worried you asked
"Vaati are you okay?...."
Standing up and pushing his chair in he walked away not even saying a bye to you.
You sat there confused and puzzled trying to figure out what the heck just happened.
After a while you decided that vaati wasn't coming back you stood up without pushing your chair in and started to walk away.
Heading towards the library you were reaching for the doorknob when someone stopped you.
You heard them say. Turning around you came face to face with dark surprised to see him actually being nice to you you asked.
"For what?."
"For making up that silly story about you getting sick....thanks for helping me out..."
Smiling you said. "Well that's what friend's are for."
Stepping back and putting his hand's up saying
"Whoa,whoa,whoa,I never said we were friend's."
"Yeah but you never said we weren't friend's admit it dark even though we fight deep down you like me."
Laughing he said. "Yeah right princess maybe in your dream's..."
Hearing the word dream made you remember what you were doing before dark came.
And it also gave you s headache thinking about that village in your dream the lady calling you a monster!.
Dark looked at you worriedly.
"Princess are you okay?..."
Quickly saying yes you opened the door to the library and shut it not even saying bye to dark.
Starting your search for the book.
Time skip ~you found the book.
Finding the book and heading back to your room you walked around a corner but stopped.
Walking backwards to see if you saw what you thought you saw. You looked over and saw that there was a trail of red rose petal's assuming that dark put them their for his date you walked away after a few min you ran into dark who was holding hands with that girl.
Stepping back you apologized and asked.
"Hey dark...don't want to ruin the surprise or anything but...what's those rose petals for? you plan on proposing or something?."
The girl dark was with went wide eyed and turned to dark saying that she wasn't ready for marriage its only their first date. Panicking dark turned to you and said.
"(Y/n) what are you talking about? I didn't put those flower's there. Plus...I'm not ready for marriage..."
He said turning to his gf.
She sighed in relief.
"Well...if you didn't do it...then who did?."
Asking curiously.
"Maybe Vaati did it?."
He said.
Then his gf got all excited and said.
"Oh yes! I remember! Vaati said that you were stressed out and you looked sad about something... So he wanted to make you happy to take your mind off of it!."
Looking back you asked.
"V-vaati...did all that f-for me? But why?."
"Because he loves you silly."
She replied with a smile.
Not buying it you said.
"He doesn't love me we barely know each other and he just wants me to turn evil like him."
Shaking her head she said.
"No,you got it all wrong. He does love you.
You may not know him but he sure does know you.
He kidnapped you in hoped you'd fall in love with him...and because that last part you said."
Saying bye and rushing off to see vaati.
You stopped staring down at the Rose's on the floor
And walking forward following the trail.
You came to a stop once you saw a table with a lit candle that was already half way melted and two plates neatly placed with many fork's and spoons.
Walking closer to it you saw that there was two folded up pieces of paper.
One was on your side of the table it said your name
And the other said vaati's name.
You turned around quickly when you heard a chair being pulled  out from underneath the table.
Vaati looked at you and smiled saying.
"Sorry for leaving like that earlier my was a bit rude and I apologize for i-
Interrupting him you said.
" i-its this all for me?."
You asked pretending that no one told you about
"Yes it seemed upset and I wanted to make you happy..."
Curious you asked.
"Do you love me?."
Staring at you he said.
"Of course my dear.... Do you love me?."
Thinking long and hard you answered.
"Maybe....I don't know yet...."
Smiling vaati snapped his fingers and in came in a chef with lots of foods and desserts.
"Well...I'll be patient."
Vaati said to you then started eating.
Time skip ~cuz I'm lazy.
After finishing your food vaati told you to close your eyes and he led you to a room.
A room you had not seen before.
Curious you asked.
"Vaati what is this?."
Not answering your questions you and him continued to walk until you were both standing in the middle of the room.
Pulling you closer music started and you started slow dancing. Staring into each others eye's.
Just as the song was about to stop
Vaati leaned in and your faces just an inch away
Darks gf came in ruining the moment and yelled.
"Awwwe their kissing!."
Pulling away from each other and looking at darks gf. You said.
"Actually we didn't kiss....but we almost did."
Looking over to vaati you said.
"I'm really tired... I'm gonna go to my room and get some rest... I'll see you tomorrow vaati..."
Walking past darks gf you smiled and started walking to your room.
"Hey how'd the date go?."
Dark asked tapping your shoulder making you turn around.
"It was good..."
Frowning dark said.
"The why do you look sad?."
"I'm not sad." You said smiling.
Reaching your door.
You turned the doorknob and walked into the room but was pulled back by someone getting annoyed with people stopping you. You turned around and yelled.
"Why can't you people just leave m-
But before you could finish you felt a pair of Lip's being smashed onto yours eyes going wide you saw vaati you closed your eye's and kissed back.
Pulling away vaati looked at you and smiled
Saying. " sorry for startling you my dear but I've been wanting to do that for a long time"
Smiling at him you said it was okay and you both said goodnight to each other.
Flopping down onto your bed you sighed and smiled hugging you pillow. And looking over to the book you had planned on looking at earlier deciding you would read it tomorrow.
Closing your eye's a thought popped into your head.
*wait... Darks gf said he knew a lot about does he know so much?*
*What made him fall for me?"*
Deciding you'd worry about it tomorrow you fell asleep happy and smiling.
And so did vaati.
Hey so I hope you guys liked this chapter.


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