Chapter 6

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So instead of saying you I'm just going to say I if you guys don't like it I'll just change it back. :)
Just figured I'd try something new.
Dream ~
Opening my eye's I found myself laying down on something cold sitting up I hit my head on something saying. "OW!."
Looking up I saw that what I had hit was a piece of wood.
*strange that wasn't there before...*
You thought.
Feeling like I was trapped I pushed on the wood trying to get out of whatever I was in...
Feeling around I found that I actually was trapped.
I couldn't move their was something keeping me from getting out. I felt walls around me panicking I starting banging on the walls and yelling for help.
I could feel the walls closing in on me.
Then someone set me free.
They moved the piece of wood that was keeping me from getting out. The light was to bright I had to put a hand over them and try to look away the best I could until I got used to this brightness.
I felt someone pick me up they carried me bridal style to a room then put me down once my eyes had gotten used to the light I moved my hand's and saw vaati. Confused I asked.
"Vaati what's going on?."
Quickly covering my mouth with my hand's my eyes went wide.
*this isn't my voice...what's going on?.*
Vaati looked worried and asked.
"(Y/n) are you okay?."
Even more confused now I thought.
*(y/n)? But I don't sound like this!."
Looking around and finding a mirror I rushed over to it and looked in it.
Shocked by what I was seeing.
It was me...but it wasn't hair was a different (h/l) and my eyes... They were... Purple.
My voice was different... My style wasn't to different... Startled I jumped when vaati came up from behind me and was hugging me.
"Are you okay my Queen?."
*my queen?.*
I thought.
"Y-yeah...I think so?."
Looking back into the mirror I asked.
"Vaati where are we?."
"Well...we're hiding from Zelda and Link there trying to keep us apart...but don't worry I won't let that happen."
"Why would they wanna keep us apart?."
"Because your special... And you g-
" I turn... Either I become evil like you.... Or good..."
"You want me to be evil don't you?."
"Of course I do...but I'm not going to force you to do something you don't want to."
"What's the real reason to why link and Zelda are looking for us vaati?."
"I tried to talk to your sister but she wouldn't listen...she thought I was lying when I said it wasn't up to me if you became evil or good...she thinks its to late that your already evil..."
"But I'm not!."
Time skip ~
Me and vaati were sitting at a tiny table eating.
When we smelt a fire.
Looking outside the window you saw link and Zelda.
Zelda was crying.
Running outside with vaati yelling at you telling you to stop you ran up to her and hugged her.
But she didn't hug back.
"Zelda what's wrong?."
"Why are you with him! He's evil! He's... He's turned you!."
"No no he hasn't Zelda see I'm I'm okay!."
Still crying Zelda said.
"I'm sorry.. (Y/n) but I can't have my people get hurt because you...bye sister..."
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
End of dream!!. ~
I woke up feeling that my face was wet I touched my face and felt tears...I had been crying in my sleep...
*who was that girl? She had my name and she looked like me....was that me? From another time? Like a reincarnation?.... But...vaati looked the same... This is so weird and confusing.*
I thought as I hopped out of bed and went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast spotting dark making pancakes I decided to sneak up on him and scare him....unfortunately... That didn't work out to well...
What happened ~
"Surprise!." I yelled and jumped on darks back I saw darks eyes to wide then he spun around while I was still on him. My head hit a cabinet so I smacked darks head!.
"OWW!. What was that for (y/n)?!?."
Dark said to me then turned back around slowly with me still on his back.
"You slammed me onto a cabinet dark!. Now my head Hurt's..."
I said making a pouty face.
Dark looked at me and said.
"Suck it up Princess"
Dark said and shook me off of him.
He turned around to look at me and said worriedly
"Uh....(y/n)?...have you seen a stack of pancakes anywhere?.."
Confused I asked.
"Dark what are you talking about? You were just making them there right there...."
I said looking over and pointing at the pancakes.
"Dark ...where'd the pancakes go?."
Dark shrugged his shoulders and said.
"Idk! That's why I asked you!."
Feeling something wet and sticky hit my nose I wiped it off and looked at the ceiling...before I could move away from the sticky stack of pancakes it fell and I got sticky syrup all over me.....
Dark handed me some Napkin's and I went to the bathroom to wash them off the best I could.
I washed my hair wrapping it up in a towel I found
And walked back into my room dark came in later with a plate of pancakes then left.
After eating my pancakes I set my plate down on my dresser looking at the book I had gotten from the library... I'd completely forgotten about it.
Picking it up and opening it.
I skimmed through a lot of the Page's  because they were super boring.
Until I came across one page.
I saw that girl from my dream...the one who looked like me....just as I was about to Read it I heard a knock on the door closing the book I shoved it under my pillow and said.
"Come in!."
Heyyyyy so I know there wasn't any romance in this chapter but there was humor! :)

Vaati X Reader~ Destiny (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now