O To Be Like You

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Psalm 17:1-15

God has entered a covenant with His people and within the terms of His contract, He is the Judge and Vindicator defending and upholding JUSTICE. It is a solo job that only He can rightfully fulfill.("Nagam" is the Hebrew word for vindicate. This word also suggests "salvation" in the Old Testament.). At first glance Psalm 17 appears to follow the same pattern as Psalm 11 does; but in reality there are some differences. This is why I chose to keep them separated.

David is not as concerned with the distress as he is showing that nothing, no matter how disastrous, is too great to take to God for His JUSTICE. David believes firmly that God has the power to lift a person out of the dangerous spot he is in, and place him on a firm foundation. (Psalm 40:1-2 tells us in NKJV-"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a Rock, and established my steps.") What a beautiful picture of our Salvation! We were taken from the pit of sin and placed on the Rock, Christ Jesus!

In the first two verses of Psalm17, David said, (TLB)-"I am pleading for Your help, O Lord; for I have been honest and have done what is right, and You must listen to my earnest cry! Publicly acquit me, Lord, for You are always fair." David not only looks for the Justice from his Judge but requests an acquittal to release him from the accusations against him.

David leans heavily on the testing God allows to prove his case. Verses 3-5 describes them: ( All scripture quotes in answer are from NKJV)

1. "He examines my heart." (Job 23:10-"But He knows the way I take, when He has tested me I shall come forth as gold.").

2. "Testing me at night." (Psalm 4:8-"I will both lay me down in peace and sleep. For you alone make me dwell in safety.")

3. "You have looked me over closely, but haven't found anything wrong." (Psalm 39:1a-"I said 'I will guard my ways...")

4. "My mouth doesn't sin." (Psalm 39:1b-"...lest I sin with my tongue; I will restrain my mouth with a muzzle, while the wicked are before me.")

5. "I have avoided such violent ways by the commandment from Your lips." (-Lord's prayer-"Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.")

6. "My steps are set firmly on Your paths;" (Psalm 44:18-"Our heart has not turned back. Nor have our steps departed from Your way.")

7. "My feet haven't slipped." (Psalm 119:133-"Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me.")

Well, that's a complete run-down of David's condition. Listen! He is not just building a good picture for God; he is aware that God already knows as God has tested his heart. God knows what he says is true. David would fear to lie to God when God sees the content of his hearts and mind. Nothing is hid from God! David is pleading his case before a GOD OF JUSTICE!

In confidence he said, (NKJV)-"I have called upon You, for you will hear me, O God;" (Psalm 40:1 bears repeating, so read it again and see what it says about God's power; however, note Psalm 86:7-"In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, for You will answer me."; and, the promise to be faithful to God for His loyalty, is found in Psalm 116:2).

Then David proceeds to list the advantages of relying on God:

1. You "Incline Your ear to me to hear my speech."

2. You "Show Your marvelous loving kindness by Your right hand," ("Marvelous " is the Hebrew based word only relating to God. No one else qualified for it.)

3. You "...save those who trust in You...".

4. You "Keep me as the apple of Your eye;"

5. You "Hide me under the Shadow of Your wings,". (There is the baby bird being protected by the mother bird again! Remember Ruth 2:2?)

The rest of verse 9 of Psalm 17 shows us what God protects us from, "From the wicked who oppress me, from my deadly enemies who surround me." David sees a real problem which he feels needs rectifying! Closed hearts and open mouths! (Perhaps there are too many of those around us today!). " My enemies full of hate, surround me, they have no pity and speak proudly." (Read Ezekiel 16:49; 1 Samuel 2:3). So far David declared the enemy could never pass God's test because they:

1. Are "full of hate"

2. "Surround" him

3. Have "no pity"

4. "speak proudly"

5. Are "around me whenever I turn"

6. "Are like lions..."

7. Are "like young lions..."

8. Are "waiting for me in there hiding places."

(Read Isaiah 6:10 to see the prophesy God knew the wicked would follow. They are sure God doesn't see all they do; Psalm 10:8-11 tells what their understanding is.).

David is exasperated by their actions so he cries out to God his battle cry for his armies, (CEB)-"Get up, Lord! Confront them! Bring them down!" This is what he knows God can do and wants it to be speedily carried out. He is anxious to see JUSTICE done to the wicked; but he also desires to see JUSTICE carried out as God vindicates him from his enemies. This is why he cries out fervently, the battle cry:

(CEB)-"Rescue my life from the wicked...". "Use Your Sword!"

"Rescue me from these people..." "Use Your Own Hands, Lord!"

"Rescue me from these people whose only possession is their fleeting life..."

"But fill the stomachs of Your Cherished Ones; "

"Let their children be filled full so they have leftovers enough for their babies."

(Read Psalms 9:19-20; 10:12-13)

David's final statement is powerful and has a lot for us to consider. (NKJV)-"As for me," (What God promises His anointed ! We are His anointed today as kings and priests before God by salvation and the work of the Holy Spirit in and through our lives.). "I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness." O TO BE LIKE HIM! ( 1John 3:2-(NKJV)-"BELOVED, NOW WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD AND IT HAS NOT BEEN REVELED WHAT WE SHALL BE, BUT WE KNOW THAT WHEN HE IS REVEALED, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM, FOR WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS."; Psalm 4;6b-"LORD, LIFT UP THE LIGHT OF YOUR COUNTENANCE UPON US."; Psalm16:11-"YOU WILL SHOW ME THE PATH OF LIFE; IN YOUR PRESENCE IS FULLNESS OF JOY; AT YOUR RIGHT HAND ARE PLEASURES FOREVERMORE.")

That was David's desire to be like Him! That is my desire to be like Hm! He has made this possible because of His grace through my salvation in Jesus Christ. HE IS MY JUSTICE,!

Perhaps you remember the song :





Next time...

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