Meek as a Lamb

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Psalm 79:1-13

Psalm 79 belongs to a time of Great Calamity from National Disaster! The Psalm is divided into 5 parts: 1. Devastation of Jerusalem- verses 1-4; 2. Call to punishment of the enemies of Judah and Jerusalem-verses 5-7; 3. Plea for forgiveness and deliverance-verses 8-10; 4. Prayer for help from God's people-verses 11-12; and 5. Vow of praise with trust in God for deliverance- verse 13.

Asaph is the author of this chapter of Psalms. He is alarmed by the take-over of other nations. Israel is not in command of their own possessions. (TLB)-"O God, Your land has been conquered by the heathen nations." (How quickly they recognize whose land it is, when they are destitute! Are we guilty of forgetting we are God's possession when we are not in immediate danger or need?) "Your temple is defiled and Jerusalem is a heap of ruin." Asaph's first thought is that the nation of Babylon had attacked what the Israelites had dedicated to God-God's House! (He recalls his feelings in Psalm 74:2-(NKJV)-"The congregation which You have purchased of old, the tribe of Your inheritance which You have redeemed -this Mount Zion where You have dwelt."; Micah 3:12 also-"Zion shall be plowed like a field..."; also Read 1 Corinthians 6:23-"You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men." We have been freed from sin by the purchase of our redemption through Jesus Christ when He died on the cross of Calvary! We can say we are"Your inheritance which You have redeemed." Don't be enslaved by sin again!)

Asaph went on-"The bodies of Your people lie exposed-food for birds and animals." (Jeremiah prophesied a punishment to Judah in Jeremiah 7:32-34;19:7; and 34:20, similar to what Asaph was recording.). "The enemy has butchered the entire population of Jerusalem; blood has flowed like water. No one is left even to bury them." To wipe out a tribe of people so quickly Asaph was questioning God over what he saw. To make matters worse, "The nations all around us scoff. They heap contempt on us." (Read Psalm 44:13-16 to see the shame Asaph felt.)

Asaph may have been very upset but he brought his anxiety to God just as David did in a way we sometimes do not understand; although we use it all the time without realizing it. (CEB)-"How long will You rage, Lord? Forever? How long will Your anger burn like fire?" Remember we are dealing with a GOD OF JUSTICE-He does not let us get away with our sins nor did He overlook Israel's sins against His Commands! (David had asked the same questions in Psalm 13:1-2; Asaph stated it in Psalms 74:1, 9 where he refers to "the sheep of His pasture", and 80:4; 137, whole chapter; and Zephaniah 3:8.)

Asaph continued in verses 6-7of Psalm 79-(CEB)-"Pour out Your wrath on the nations who don't know You, on the kingdoms that haven't called on Your Name." Asaph calls for JUSTICE to the enemies. (Read Jeremiah 10:25; Isaiah 45:4-5-"called by His Name..."; Psalm 53:3-6.) Thus Asaph said, "They've devoured Jacob and demolished his pasture." (Remember, "we are the sheep of His pasture). Asaph wanted to plead with God for the sheep of His pasture.

Psalm 79:8-10-(TEV)-"Do not punish us for the sins of our ancestors." (Isaiah 64:9). " but have mercy on us now, because we have lost all hope." (Actually Asaph proved as did David that his hope was still in God or he wouldn't be here pleading with God now. He knew what we have discovered that God allows us to feel the wrong we have done before He rescues us from losing "all hope"!). Asaph's next words prove this, as he said, "Help us, God our Savior, for the sake of Your own honor; Rescue us and forgive our sins (repentance) so that people will praise You." (And that is all God needs, to intervene for us, is admitting our sin and requesting His forgiveness. Read Jeremiah 14:7; and remember Exodus 3:14-15?). Moses knew the problem of God's people in Exodus 6:12 and so did Asaph when he said,"Why should the nations ask us 'Where is their God?' ". If they were not living for God then no one understood why they did what they did! Sin separates us from God and that confuses onlookers. He went on, "Let us see You punish the nations for shedding the blood of Your servants!" God's JUSTICE does not overlook sins of the ungodly just because a Child of God fails to obey Him. JUSTICE IS JUSTICE-NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS! If we disobey we receive God's punishment, if they do not listen to God's warning they are accountable also. This is God's Two-way street. JUSTICE works for the just or unjust! (Read Psalm 42:10-"Where is Your God?").

Asaph continued in verses 11-12, (NKJV )-"Let the groanings of the prisoner come before You;". (Right place to bring our sad feelings! Read Exodus 6:6-7 and see, "I will bring you out from under the burdens..." which is a continued promise to those who seek His help. The promise has been in the Bible long before you were born but it still is effective today!) Only God can do this, so Asaph said, "According to the greatness of Your power (not my own, but God's great power can release the weight I carry-when I ask Him with faith believing and trusting! Psalm 102:19-20). "Preserve those who are appointed to die." This is not God's appointment but satan's work accomplished through his ungodly followers here on earth. "Return to our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom their reproach with which they reproached You, O Lord." (Read Psalm 74:10, 18, 22). Thus ends Asaph's pleas, complaints, repentance and hopes, for, at last, he declares the help David found.

So Asaph said, (TLB)-Psalm 79:13-"Then we Your people, the sheep of Your pasture, will thank You FOREVER and forever, praising Your Greatness from generation to generation." Pass it on to the next generation and God will get the Glory due His Holy Name!

(Read Psalms 74:-"Remember Your congregation, " etc.; 95:7-"He is our God, and we are the sheep of His hand; Isaiah 43:21-"This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My Praise."; Psalms 77:20-"You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron."; 100:3-"I know that the Lord, He is God; it is He that has made us, and not we ourselves, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture."; 35:18-"I will give You thanks in the Great Assembly; I will praise You among many people."; 105:1-"Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His Name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!")


Next time...

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