Mine, Mine, Mine!

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Psalm 108:1-13

This is David's battle song which is similar to Psalms 57 & 60. ("There are several kinds of Psalms that deal with God's covenant people, the children of Israel. These kinds of Psalms reflect a theocratic patriotism. (Psalms 44:4-"Thou art my King and my God who ordained victories for Jacob."; 46:7-"The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge."; 108:8-9 are unmistakably patriotic: "Gilead is mine; Manasseh is Mine;"), etc.-page 202, The Books of Poetry, Or of the Depths- Anderson)

The assurance that we are God's is David's theme. (Psalm 108:1-5 is repeated in 57:7-11 and Psalm 108:6-13 is repeated in 60:5-12.) Many Psalms were used in worship as musical arrangements therefore, they became duplicated many times just as we sing and repeat many songs in our own church congregations today, as the need arises or re-arises. We repeat the songs which vent our emotional and spiritual feelings. They sometimes serve as a prayer to God for worship. What kind of music flows through your life? Does it consist of harmony of God's Spirit ? (Galatians 5:22-23)

David begins with, (CEB)-"My heart is unwavering, God. I will sing and make music-yes, with my whole being!" He is rejoicing to God in the way David has always used. "Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake the dawn itself!" I wonder how many times David spent with his sheep on the mountain side playing his instrument before the light entered the sky and the sun filled it with the dawning glow. (Psalm 16:9; 30:12.).

He went on, "I will give thanks to You, Lord, among all the people's; I will make music to You among the nations." He surely fulfilled this when he sang and played for King Saul in the royal palace and also among the worshippers on their way to God's House. (Here we find as I mentioned before a repeat in Psalm 57:7-11).

We will continue with Psalm 108:4-6 where David switches from what he will do to what God has done! He started these verses (although, the order of verses was set later when the Bible was translated from the original Hebrew into English) (TEV)-:

1. "Your constant love reaches above the heaven,". That is about as high as we can conceive in our minds! (Psalms 57:5, 11; 36:5; 71:19; 103:11; and 108:4)

2. "Your faithfulness to the skies." He is faithful far beyond our imaginations!

3. "God, show Your greatness in the sky,". The sun, moon, stars, sunrises and sunsets, all reveal His power for we have no control over these in any way!

4. "And Your Glory over all the earth!" Earth is blanketed with the Glory of God! Glory means "Great Praise or fame. Splendor. Heavenly bliss!" Wow, do we ever receive this? Yes all the time continually!

5. "Save us by Your Might;" His Might (strength or force) cannot be compared to human might! What a powerful force and strength He used to redeem us!

6. "Answer my prayer so that people You love may be rescued ?" David trusted God to answer his prayers that is why he came to God with his requests! (Read Isaiah 12:2; 26:4; Psalms 37:3; 89:35; and Proverbs 3:5-6).

With all this said, David turned to the Lord's decisions about the surrounding nations in Psalm 108:7-9: (TLB)-"God has spoken in His Holiness:". (Enough said! Wow! We had better listen!). "I will rejoice;" He went on to lay out His Word on nine places He chose to judge (Psalm 75:2-"When I Choose the proper time I will judge uprightly."). :

1. "I will divide Shechem". (Genesis 12:6; 34:2a; Joshua 1:6; Numbers 26:31). The name came from a parcel of ground Jacob bought from Hamor the father of Shechem and gave to his son, Joseph. (Genesis 49:22). Shechem means "portion". It was West and East of Jordan. God divided it!

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