Sink or Swim!

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Psalm 69:1-36

("In the presence of the highest Judge the accused raised his cry for help, protesting his innocence, threw himself confidently on the mercy of the Divine Court and, when a favorable divine verdict was given, raised his voice in Thanksgiving."-Out of the Depths, page 59.). I quoted this previously but it bears repeating. Here we are facing a situation in David's life when he came into deep waters. Although David was in deep waters, he recognized God's power to save him. (Psalm 55:22). He could "Sink or Swim" but it was his choice! David was a prophet of God. He wrote 1000 years before Christ's death words that were said by Christ on the cross. Psalm 22:1 relates the very words of Christ while dying on Calvary's Hill. Psalm 22:16-18 tells of His pierced hands and feet, counting the bones because none had been broken, and the dividing of His garments among them by casting lots. David was indeed a Prophet of God! He was also recognized by the disciples in Acts 2:25-36 as a prophet. His words and testimony were affective for acceptance of God's plan in the same chapter, Acts 2:37-39. How far does your testimony go? If you testify of Him the Word will never end!

You may find yourself in deep waters but...! (Psalm 6:1-3). So did David-(CEB)-"Save me, God, because":

1. "The waters have reached my neck!" (Psalm 144:7)

2. "I have sunk in deep mud" (Jeremiah 38:6; Psalm 40:2-"miry clay")

3. "My feet can't touch the bottom" (2 Samuel 22:5-7)

4. "I have entered deep water" (Jonah 2:3)

5. "The flood has swept over me" (Lamentations 3:53-55)

6. "I am tired of crying" (Psalm 6:6)

7. "My throat is hoarse" (Psalm 119:82)

8. "My eyes are exhausted with waiting for my God" (Ezekiel 37:11)

Psalm 69:14-15:

9. "Save me from the mud" (Jeremiah 38:6)

10. "Don't let me drown" (Psalm 88:17)

11. "Let me be saved from those who hate me" (Psalm 55:3)

12. " And from the watery depth"Psalm 124:4-5)

13. "Don't let me be swept away by the floodwaters"

14. "Don't let the abyss swallow me up" (Numbers 16:33)

15. "Don't let the pit close its mouth over me." (Psalm 55:23; 88:6)

That would leave most of us in depression already but there was even more to disturb David!

We find David upset over his enemies as he said, (TLB)-"I cannot even count all those who hate me without cause. They are influential men, those who plot to kill me though I am innocent. They demand that I be punished for what I didn't do." Ever been there? It is bad enough what we may be guilty of, but to be harassed over what we didn't do is worse! Yet this is where David finds himself. (Read Psalms 35:19-21; 109:3-5-words of Love turned into hate; John 15:23-25-" they hated me without a cause."). How like Christ's words are the words spoken by David1000 years before Christ said it.

David went on, (TLB, verse 12)-"I am the talk of the town and the song of the drunkards." This may seem demeaning but everyone who was aware of David's plight also saw God's miraculous deliverance when God restored him to the throne in God's time. He went on in verses 20-21-"their contempt has broken my heart; my spirit is heavy within me. If even one would show some pity, if even one would comfort me! (Emotional outburst of depression?). "For food they gave me gall; for my awful thirst they offered vinegar." Wow! Do you see Christ in this statement? Prophecy David lived and spoke out was his own feelings as well as prophetic of Christ on the cross. Also Job suffered and Isaiah prophesied of Christ. (Read Job 16:2; 30:9; Isaiah 63:5; Matthew 27:34, 48; Mark 15:23; Luke 23:36-37; John 19:28-30; Romans 15:3)

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