Justice Sings

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Psalm 68:1-35

This Psalm is a song as are many others. Singing praise to God is as old fashioned as Moses' day; (as you will note in Exodus 15 and Deuteronomy 32.) "Israel sang along the journey to the Promised Land, (Judges 5); David sang with all his heart, (Psalm 104:13); Hezekiah's Singers sang loud, (Nehemiah 12:42); Jesus and His Disciples sang at the Last Supper, (Matthew 26:30); Paul and Silas sang in prison, (Acts 16:25); At the dawn of creation "the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for Joy", (Job 38:7); in Heaven 10,000 times 10,000 Angels sang; and the whole redeemed creation joins in the chorus, (Revelation 5:11-13); In Heaven everybody will sing, and never tire of singing."-(Halley's Handbook-Henry H. Halley, pp. 248-249, Psalms).

"For the chief musician" is the heading for 55 Psalms. Wow! God is desirous of our praise and desires us to sing it melodiously back to Him! They used harps, psalteries, flutes, pipes, horns, trumpets, cymbals, and timbrels. David had 4000 musicians (1 Chronicles 23:5). Psalm 68 was used as a victory battle march for the Crusaders, the Huguenots, Savonarola and Oliver Cromwell. From the information I have given you, you can see why David begins his Psalm with, (KJV)-"Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered: let them also that hate Him flee before Him." (NKJV) says, "When I choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly,". God's JUSTICE will be done in His time! Psalm 75:2-"As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God." (Read Numbers 10:35; Isaiah 9:18; and Micah 1:4.)

The next part shows the contrast of JUSTICE for the righteous- (NKJV)-"But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice." (Read Psalms 58:10; 18:20-27; and 32:11.) Victory all the way! JUSTICE IS SERVED! OUR GOD REIGNS!

In the next three verses of Psalm 68, David gives a call to worship: (CEB)

1. "Sing to God!" (Read Deuteronomy 33:26 and Exodus 6:3);

2. "Sing praises to His Name! (Read Psalm 135:1-3);

3. "Exalt the one who rides the clouds!" (Read Psalms 47:8-9; 15; 18:46);

4. "The Lord is His Name.";

5. "Celebrate before Him!" (Read Exodus 3:14-15; Psalm 22:4);


1. He becomes "Father of orphans "... JUSTICE! (Psalm 10:14 and 18);

2. He is the "Defender of widows." JUSTICE! (Psalm 146:9-10);

3. He "Settles the lonely in their homes;" JUSTICE! (Psalm 107:4-7);

4. "He sets the prisoners free with happiness," JUSTICE! (Psalm 12:5-11)

Who could ask for anything more! So praise Him for His wonders and mercies.

5. "But the rebellious dwell in a parched land." JUSTICE! (Psalm 107:34).

There is an emphasis for the Names of God in verse 4: Lord=Master of Heaven and earth. He royally rides the clouds but He reaches down to humanity on earth in JUSTICE!

Next in Psalm 68:7-14, David deals with the Praise Parade of Marchers for God! This is His events and the flag waving high is the Banner of Love. As they march they review His goodness to the nation of Israel. (TLB)-"O, God, when You led Your people through the wilderness..." (Do you feel like you are in a wilderness? Read Exodus 13:21). It was true then and it is still true today. He leads! (NKJV)-"When you marched through the wilderness...". "Sinai itself was moved by the presence of God, the God of Israel." (TLB)-"Mount Sinai quaked before You."

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