Chapter one: The one where we learn about how they met

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 It all started with a small 5 year old blonde boy and his two left feet. Steve Rogers was that said boy. Not only was he small because of his young age, but because he was sickly. Even though he was so small, it didn't stop him from going out and getting in fights. This worried his mom. She was worried constantly that her son was going to get extremely hurt or worse killed. But one day those worries were put to rest when the small blonde boy met his soon to be best friend, James Buchanan Barnes. Steve was out walking down the streets of Brooklyn when he tripped. He swore he tripped over a rock, but Bucky knew better. He watched it happened with his own two eyes after all. Steve went down, landing on his hands and knees causing Bucky to stop in his steps. Now at this time, he had no idea who this boy was. Just some random stranger who fell. But he knew if that was him, he would want someone to see if he was okay. So that was what he was going to do. The 8 year old brunette looked both ways before he crossed the street and knelt down next to the blonde boy.

"Are you okay?" Bucky questioned, putting his hand on the boys shoulder.

The voice of another person startled Steve. This wasn't the first time he had fallen, but this was the first time someone had ever stopped and asked if he was okay. With a nod of his head, Steve moved to sit on his legs as he brushed his hands off on his dirty pants.

"Yeah... Uh yeah, I'm fine" Steve got out after what seemed like a lifetime, his gaze finally meeting the kind persons. Much to his Steve's surprise, he was met with kind eyes and a soft smile on a boy probably around his age.

"My name is James Buchanan Barnes, But you can call me Bucky." The brunette said, offering his hand out to the blonde. Steve looked at Bucky's hand before he reached and shook his hand.

"I'm Steven Grant Rogers, But you can call me Steve." The two were inseparable ever since that moment, and really they wouldn't have it any other way.

That was more than 10 years ago when that happened. Steve was now nineteen, still a small scrawny boy who worked at a comic store and Bucky was now twenty two and working down at the docs almost daily. Not much had changed between the two, only the fact their friendship had turned into something more. Steve loved Bucky and Bucky loved Steve. It wasn't that friendship love, no this was the real deal. But no one could know of their relationship. Not even their parents. It was frowned upon during this day and age and Bucky didn't want Steve to get beat up more than he already was. It was a Monday. A new start to the long week, but also one day closer to their paychecks. Bucky was sat on the sofa waiting for Steve to emerge from the bathroom. The two normally walked together to work, Bucky dropping Steve off since the comic book store was closer than the docs were. On special days, the two would stop at a small cafe and grab a coffee before Steve had to spend the day inside the store. Not that he was going to complain about that. At least he was able to do his own art or read the comics while he was working. Bucky on the other hand didn't have the luxury of reading comics during the day. Moving crates and helping the doc manager took up a majority of his time.

While stuck in his mind, Bucky didn't realize Steve had exited the bathroom fully dressed until he saw a figure standing in front of him.

"Buck? Buuuuucky" Steve's voice was ringing in the brunettes ears until he snapped out of his little daze. Quickly, Bucky stood up and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Sorry, I'm back." he said, offering the shorter a smile.

"You know, that was the third time since Sunday you've done that." Steve commented as he threw his messenger bag over his shoulder, handing Bucky his own bag.

"It's nothin, punk. I was just thinking is all." Bucky made sure all of the lights, which was really just one, was turned off before heading to the front door, key in his hand.

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