What if?

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| No beta, didn't reread it, let me know if you see any mistakes|
Steve had always been small. There wasn't a time in his life that he had a muscle on his body. Sure he got made fun of for it, but he got use to it. If anything, being so small had made the blonde even tougher. All throughout his time in school, Steve had been made fun of. Steve never thought he would meet someone like Bucky. But boy was he glad he did. If it weren't for the other, he probably wouldn't have made it home that night. Steve had been in an ally way fighting off some bullies. However these bullies were more than twice his size and well, Steve wasn't exactly winning. That was until Bucky came about. Ever since then, the two had been inseparable. Bucky always there to help Steve when he needed it, and Steve helping Bucky even if he didn't know it. As Steve walked to work with Bucky by his side like normal, these memories flashed through his mind. All the times Bucky had to save him from fights. All the times Bucky had ended up injured because he was to weak to fend off the bullies himself. Steve wished their was something he could do to change that, but he knew it was a wish that would never come true. Or so he thought.
That day, everything had been normal. Steve and Bucky got up at the same time. Steve throwing the pillows at Bucky to wake the brunette up as he threw his clothes on because they would be late if he didn't get his ass up, Bucky pulling Steve back into bed because it was better with the blonde in bed, and somehow after all of the cuddling and getting ready, the two heading down the streets to their jobs. Once they arrived at the comic book store, Bucky offered Steve a smile as their was a person walking by.
"Stay out of trouble, ya hear?" The brunette called out as he headed down the street. Steve watched as Bucky walked down the street until he was out of view before he himself unlocked the comic book store and headed in. It was always quiet first thing in the morning. Peaceful. No one coming in to ruin the comics. Everything neatly put away, just the way it should be. Or how it normally was. This was where the change occurred. As Steve stood at the counter pulling out some paper so he could draw until his boss arrived, the ring of the door caught his attention. It wasn't time for his boss to show up and no one was normally around. With furrowed eyebrows, Steve's head turned towards the door.
"Ah Hello there, Steve Rogers." The man said as he clapped his hands together, turning to head towards the blonde.
"I was hoping I would catch you here. I hope you aren't busy." The man said, looking around the shop. Steve's head tilted to the side slightly. Who was this man?"And who are you?" Steve questioned, crossing his arms across his chest.
"Ah yes, I do apologize. My name is Abraham Erskine. I have heard a lot about you." Abraham was now directly across the counter from Steve, towering over the boy.
"I can't say the same about you." Steve mumbled, taking a step back from the counter.
"I am just gonna get straight to the point, Steve. What would you say if I could make you... Bigger?" Steve rolled his eyes hearing that.
"Yeah right. All of my Doctors said I won't be gettin any bigger than this. I doubt anything you could do can change that."
"We have been working on something, Mr. Rogers. It is a serum." Abraham reached into his coat pocket and placed a piece of paper in front of Steve.
Abraham flashed Steve a smile as he tucked his hands into his pocket, heading to leave for the door. Steve's eyes never leaving the man. He wasn't sure what to think of him.
"I look forward to hearing from you!" He said as he opened and the door and walked out. Steve didn't move a muscle for a few moments. He was confused on what had just happened. It wasn't until his boss came in did he quickly swipe up the paper the person left. Turning it over in his hands, Steve read it carefully.
Would it be worth it to go through this procedure the man talked about? What if this could actually work? He could get a better job and bring more money in for him and Bucky, that way the brunette wouldn't have to work those long hours and take up the extra shifts like he does. All of these thoughts rushed through Steve's head as the day went on. Since it wasn't really busy that day, so it gave him plenty of time to ponder over all of the pros and cons of contacting this guy. Bucky wouldn't have to worry so much if he had it. But then again, the serum may do something else besides make him bigger. What if it made him weaker? Was it really a risk he would want to take? Soon enough, it was time for Steve to close up the shop and head home for the day. He pocketed the card with the persons information and made sure the doors were all locked before he headed back to the apartments.
Once he was there, he put the card in his shoe wants he took those off and got changed. Bucky wouldn't be home for a while so he had some time to kill.
The blonde grabbed his pencils and some paper and sat at the card table they had in the kitchen where he began to draw. It was something he normally did after work. Normally he would draw whatever random creature that popped into his mind. But today, Steve began to draw him and Bucky. Only in this drawing, Steve wasn't tiny. He had muscles and he was healthy. Maybe it was possible. Maybe the doctors were wrong and he wasn't a lost cause. Steve nearly finished the drawing when Bucky walked into the apartment. The sound of his boots hitting the floor brought Steve out of the daze he didn't know he was in.
"Steve, I'm back!" Bucky called out as he headed over towards the blonde. Steve quickly crumpled the paper up. He didn't want Bucky to see this. He didn't want him to know about the guy that came in. It would worry the brunette and that was something that wasn't needed.
"what were ya drawnin today?" Bucky questioned as he wrapped his arms around Steve's torso.
"Just scribbles really. Couldn't really think of anything good to draw today."
"Everything you draw is a masterpiece, punk." Bucky placed a kiss onto Steve's head.
"Let's get some food, yeah?" Hearing that question, Steve nodded and moved to get up, turning around in Bucky's arm.
"Sounds good, Jerk." What would it be like to be bigger and hugging Bucky? Steve wondered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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