Here's My Number

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"Oh, Aika, boys will be boys. Chill. You're brother doesn't mean what he said." Lizzy explained as the snow started falling.

"I know, but-" Aika was about to say, but Lizzy cut her off.

"Will-you-just-CHILL!" Lizzy shouted.

"OK. Gotta go. Bye!!" Aika sighed, sadly.

"Bye-bye!" Lizzy replied.

And they went their separate ways.

--------------------LIZZY'S WAY-------------------------------

As Lizzy was walking down the Plaza, she passed by a Starbucks. She was looking around, almost thin air.

"Oomph!" Some random person said. Apparently, Lizzy bumped into someone who came out from Starbucks and she spilled his drink.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" Lizzy said, apoligizing.

"No- it's ok." the person replied.

"Here- let me buy you another one." Lizzy offered, and she grabbed the person's wrist and led him inside Starbucks.

"Hey, what do you want?" Lizzy asked the person.

"Uhm, chocolate- mocha- latte." (A/N: sorry, I couldn't think of anything else.) replied the person.

"Chocolate- Mocha- Latte, and a Mint- Green- Latte with extra syrup, please!" She told the person-at the counter.

"Coming right up, ma'am!- er, may I ask your name?"asked the couter- person.

"Lizzy Maia." she replied.

And Lizzy made her way to the table that the 'person' picked out.

"So.." said Lizzy as she sat down.

"Um.. Hi- I'm Michael." said the person- Michael.

"Lizzy." Lizzy told Michael.

"So-" Michael was about to say but he got cut off.

"Lizzy Maia!" the Starbucks- worker called.

Then Lizzy got their drinks.

"So.. yeah. Can I have your number?" Michael said, pulling out his phone, Lizzy too pulled out her phone and said her number.


"04598325241." replied Michael.

"See ya." Lizzy said as she walked out the door.

------------------------AIKA'S WAY--------------------------

She bumped into some guy while one her way to McDonald's to get some hot chocolate. The first thing she noticed about him was what he was holding, 2 boxes of chicken nuggets, and 2 cheese burgers. Dinner for two maybe? The second thing she noticed was his features, blonde hair, blue eyes, a small smile and he had braces.

"Sorry about that." Aika said

"No, no it's okay." he says in a cheeky expression "No harm done."

Aika laughs "That's a lot of food for one person."

"Yeah well, I'm the kinda guy who's known for his appetite."

She laughs again. She studied him, his smile was sweet and his cheeks bright pink from the cold.

"I'm Aika." Aika said as she held out her hand

"James." he replies, shaking her hand.

They had a little small talk in the middle of the sidewalk. Then James' watch suddenly beeps.

"Oh, it's already 8:00 PM. I should get going, William will kill me." says James

"William?" Aika asks

"Yeah I kinda live with a few friends in my friend Zane's house and William acts like a mother."

"Well okay, I should go too. Could I have your number maybe?"

He laughs and starts singing "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But here's my number, so call me maybe!" he then hands Aika a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Do you always have a piece of paper with your number to hand out to random girls?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

Aika fished out an old, crumpled piece of paper and a pen from her bag. And writes down her number then gives it to James.

"K bye!" says Aika


----------------- Michael's Way -----------------

As Michael opened the door to his family's house, he was about to sneak up to his room because it was really late, he was stopped.

"Where have you been, Michael?" Lexi, his sister, said

"Starbucks, why?" Michael asked

"It doesn't take you THAT long to get what you want from Starbucks."

"Uh... long line."

"Seriously, Michael. WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?"

"I ran into someone okay?! Jeez, sis!"

"Okay, fine"

That was weird, thought Michael. Lexi doesn't usually let him off that easily. He ran up to his bedroom before he was stopped again, kicked off his shoes and layed down on his bed.

---------------- James' Way ----------------

"Hey guys, I'm back!" James shouted.

"Oh, hello..... James." says William

"Okay.... I'm going to sleep now."

"YOU'RE LATE!" William exclaims "Today is GAME NIGHT SATURDAY! How dare you be late!"

"Sorry, Mother." James said sarcastically.

"TELL US WHERE YOU WERE!" William, Edward, Zane and Jack demanded.

"I ran into a girl." James said without hesitation.

"Oooohhhh...... A girl." says Edward.

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